Hongjoong imagine

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You never thought this would happen to you but here you are in a dark and cold little room still in your beautiful dress you wore..

Yeah when did you wear it?
Was it just a few days ago or was it already weeks?

You lost count about the time because they always woke you up, they never let a lot of light into the room they held you hostage and it felt like they always gave you something to eat or drink when they wanted to.

You hated yourself for it, not Hongjoong.

Yeah, you knew Hongjoong was a gang leader so of course dating him maybe wasn't the best idea you had in your life. But you just fell for him, you fell for him so hard that you didn't care about his lifestyle.

You just wanted to be loved by him, that's all. Well, turned out he never showed just a little bit of interest in you like you did for him. Yeah of course he went out with you, he paid for your food and he told you that you looked good.

But besides that?
Not a hug, not a kiss, not a single tease, he never called you beautiful or stunning..
Just plain and simple. Good looking.

It frustrated you and yeah, it frustrated you so much that you left earlier at your last date. He didn't come to stop you and it broke your heart. Your sight was blurry from your tears, that's why you didn't see the two men at your car earlier.

As you saw them it was already too late. You begged your kidnapper for killing you, you just had enough. At first you tried to ask for some different clothes, but nothing. They just let you in a really small bathroom with a flashlight for 10 minutes, three times a day.

You didn't even try to drink as much as water as you can, because this would mean that you needed to go to the toilet more often and they wouldn't allow it. Time flew by, at some point they took your clothes away and left you without them for two whole days, just to give them back to you cleaned.

Maybe it was just a day but it felt way longer to you. They also let you take a shower. Which means you're probably here for long enough already. You cried every night, or maybe every day. Without daylight you couldn't say what time it was.

As you woke up this night (or day) you heard a lot of people talking fast and you tried to understand something. As you heard guns going off you got scared and hid in the last corner of your room.

Was it the end?

Was it your end?

Are they going to kill you? "Y/N? Oh god. What have they done to you?"


You looked up but couldn't see something, the light was so bright. "Hongjoong?!" "Yes, yes it's me. Turn the light away Yeosang!" He rushed over to you and you couldn't believe he was here.

"I am here to save you." He looked into your eyes before he crashed his lips onto yours. You melted away, it felt like everything was taken away from you, all the bad feelings, the fear, everything.

"I love you and I am so sorry that I didn't say it earlier." You looked into his eyes and smiled. "I love you too Hongjoong." You touched his face before your whole world turned black.

(no worries you just passed out)

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