Minhyuk Imagine

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"Can you finally tell me what you planned for us?" Again, you shook your head and grinned. It was the first trip you two made as a couple for a long time.

He always had to work a lot and it was hard to find some time, where both of you can take some time off from work. But finally you found a week and you left town with him, as soon as possible.

You planned something for a whole year already and you couldn't wait to finally do it with him. You know how much your boyfriend loves whales, everything in your shared home is full with it.

He got pictures and plushies and keychains, more pictures, little scultpures.. You even have some mugs with whales on it.

So you planned a little trip, where you can watch whales in their natural habitat. You parked the car close to the water and got out, Minhyuk followed you.

"Honey, where are we? What are we doing here?" You finally decided to tell him, better now before he starts to panic on the boat.

"I planned this for a long time. We both know how much you love whales, so we are here to watch them in the ocean. They have some tours and some of them even come near the boats. I thought, maybe you would love it."

You looked at your boyfriend and you saw the tears glisten in his eyes. "You really did that?" You nodded. You could feel some tears in your own eyes. "Oh my god."

He kissed you and hugged you so thight and you loved it. "This is the best thing someone ever did for me, I love you. I can't believe we'll see some whales. Without them being caged in. God. Wow."

You giggled a little, you never saw your boyfriend so speechless in a long time. "Okay come on let's go, I think they are waiting for us."

You took his hand and went down to the water and to the boat. The tour guides welcomed you and told you some important rules before you finally entered the boat.

It was the best day you two ever shared.

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