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"Renjun, we should stop. You said you gonna watch sunset."

"You are the one who initiates all this"

"Really?  I cant remember. Kiss me again to revive my memory?"

"I believe your hair cant forget my hands yet"

"Ouch ouchh. Ok. Sorry"

"Need effort to look decent but I feel too tired, lazy and sleepy to wake up right now"

"The sun sets everyday anyway. Not really important"

"Is this important?"

"As long as we wants it"

"Is this everyday?"

"Depends on our stamina"

"You know that I dont have clothes anymore, you ruined them"

"You can wear mine"

"How generous"

"Be honest with me, I'll accept you unconditionally."


"Are you really Huang Renjun?"

"Your jokes not funny"

"I'm not trying to be funny, I try to be honest. My gut as police say you are lying. So tell me right now right here, what you hiding from me? I repeat, I'll accept you unconditionally"


"We are strangers not until hours ago. We can become strangers again easily"

"I see you good with threat. Hufftttt. Your partners, I am the one who kicks them from this mission."

"How? Why?"

"Easy, I have connection to make sure your senior stay away from me. Why? I hate him so much"

"I get the reason why you hate him so much, but actually my senior is great cop, I respect Yuta so much. How about Sicheng? He is nice and kind".

"I dont really like government worker from China. I feel like being spied. All that dictatorship and all."

"Sicheng just translator, he is not relate to China's politics"

"Ask Sicheng yourself about democracy. Ask him about freedom"

"Ok, I get it I'm sorry. And my main question is, are you really Huang Renjun?"

"I am Huang Renjun, you can check my passport or ask your president. I dont know why you insist asking stupid question like that."

"Because the man beside you just Lee Jeno, low ranked police with low salary. We come from different background."

"We met just hours ago, why dont we just enjoy our time? Heavy talk can wait."

"Sorry not sorry. We take this seriously or nothing at all."

"You already said that, we can become strangers again easily."

"Renjun, you are my first. I wouldnt going this so far if I'm not sure about my feeling for you."

"Why dont you said that earlier?"

"Why? You regret it? You feel burdened? Is relationship not your thing? or because I am just me? Are you not single?"

"Chill, Jeno. You answered my question with questions. Listen, if I know that was your first time we should make it special. For your another question about feeling and relationship, I cant. I'm really sorry."

"Ok, understood."

"No. Wait. Thats not what I mean."

"You dont have to sugarcoat your rejection."


"But you didnt accept me!!!"

"Do you know how ridiculous you are right now?"


"Wait you stupid!!. You think I believe I was your first? That you have feeling for me? You said yourself we were strangers who met only hours ago and suddenly you want relationship, NON SENSE!!!. If you really want me then prove yourself. I need time, you need time, We need time. TAKE IT SLOWLY OR LEAVE IT!"


Tidak ada satu pun percakapannya bersama Huang Renjum yang dapat Jeno lepas dari ingatannya.

Jeno kira setelah berciuman dan melakukan hubungan paling intim yang dapat dua manusia lakukan maka semua akan berakhir bahagia.

Jeno kira ia dan Huang Renjun berada di titik happy ending.

Nyatanya Renjun meragukan pengakuannya, bahkan menggantungkan hubungan mereka.

Jeno tahu cinta ditolak itu menyakitkan. Ia pikir seumur hidupnya ia tidak akan pernah patah hati.

Karena perjalanan cinta Lee Jeno sebelumnya selalu mudah dan sederhana.

Ia terlahir dengan wajah tampan di dalam keluarga terpandang. Ia disayang, disukai, disegani dan dihormati.

Tapi jika disandingkan dengan Huang Renjun, Lee Jeno bukan siapa-siapa.

Tidak aneh jika saat ini ia sedang melamun meratapi nasib karena merasa telah jatuh cinta pada orang yang salah.

Lumayan lama Jeno sendirian di dek kapal, berdiri bersandar di pagar dan melihat bulan sabit di langit.

Hingga suara langkah kaki bersepatu terdengar di telinganya.

"Ciee mang udin lagi galau!" Celetuk Sanha yang melihat Jeno berdiri sendirian di tengah malam.

"Gua pengen sendiri. Jangan ganggu!" jawab Jeno kesal tanpa menengok ke arah Sanha, keberadaan sepupunya itu membuat mood nya yang sedang lesu berubah menjadi sangar.

"Seriusan elu galau?" Tersirat dengan jelas ketidakpercayaan dalam pertanyaan yang Sanha ucapkan meski Jeno tidak dapat melihat raut wajahnya.

"Bacot! Udah sono pergi!" Jawab Jeno lebih galak dari sebelumnya dan berhasil membuat nyali Sanha ciut.

"Najis gw diusir. Gw laporin tante eunhyuk, abis luh dicekokin ikan asin!" Ancam Sanha dengan memberi jari tengah ke arah punggung Jeno.

Namun Sanha khawatir juga melihat kondisi menyedihkan Jeno. Dengan niat baik, Sanha memberi semangat.

"Udah ga usah galau, Jaemin pasti pulang kok. Kaya baru pertama kali aja luh ditinggal karantina. Kalo musim tanding udah kelar juga dia bakal nganggur, sampe elu bosen sama kegabutan dia." Ucap Sanha lembut dan halus, layaknya seorang saudara memberi nasihat kepada saudaranya.

Setan! Maki Jeno dalam hati.




Chapternya dibagi dua karena kepanjangan.

Begadang demi hal gk penting -,-

Besok palingan mau pingsan aja 😴😴😴

Jodoh Who Knows - NoRen (END)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang