Flashback end

Minseon smiled as they had reached the hill.  All they had to do was walk, as it had a road going around the whole hill to the very top. It was pretty big from where they stood.

"It shouldn't take too long,"  Jimin stated, walking forward onto the rocky ground.  "By the time we get up there, we could see the sunset."

The others nodded in agreement and followed the blond up the start of the hill, the sky slowly starting to turn pink.

"I-I think t-this is a trip I'll remember f-forever,"  the brunet said, fiddling with the hem of his green t-shirt, a small yet grateful smile having formed on his lips.  "I-I've never had s-so much fun like t-this in forever.  T-Thank you for taking m-me,"  he muttered shyly, turning towards [Y/n].

'This will probably never happen again.'

"Don't think that!"  [Y/n] frowned as she turned to talk to the boy, feeling sad he would think something so untrue as that.  "Why would you assume that we wouldn't we bring you again to something like this?  It's been super fun with you here, Minseon.  I can't believe you thought that of us."

Minseon sighed and looked away from the sad look in her eyes, feeling bad.  "I'm s-sorry,"  he mumbled.

The nine of them were almost to the top of the hill.  The sun was not yet setting, though the sky had begun to turn into a light shade of red.  They quickened their steps up the road.

"[Y-Y/n]!  Look!"  Minseon shouted and pointed to the edge of the road, a pretty blue flower having sprouted there somehow, capturing the attention of the boy.

"That's so pretty,"  the said girl replied,  "but come on, Minseon.  The others are ahead of us now."

The brunet sighed sadly and walked forward, but.. he really wanted that flower.  Maybe he could pick it for [Y/n].

Minseon looked back at his friend,  "g-give me a second!"

He quickly ran up to the flower, the wind brushing against the small hairs on his arms and giving him little goosebumps.

'I need it.'

The wind followed the group of seven and left the boy behind. He reached down to pick the pretty piece of nature, a cute little smile on his face.

"Minseon!  Come on!"  [Y/n] shouted from afar.

The brunet plucked the flower from the ground with a triumphant grin, holding it delicately in his hands.

"I-I'm coming–"  but as the boy stood back up, the ground beneath him had begun to shake and he screamed just as his feet slipped from the road–

–but he never hit the ground.

There was no wind, just still air.  Minseon was too afraid to open his eyes and see the great light before him.  He didn't want to accept his death. He didn't want to accept that he'd never see his best friend– his only friend again.

"Minseon! Are you okay?!"

His body didn't feel like it hit hard ground, nor did he feel any pain.


The boy opened his eyes, and before him was [Y/n], looking extremely worried.

"Are you insane?! Why did you do that!" she scolded with a frown, but that frown turned into a smile and she wrapped her arms around the brunet tightly, as if he'd slip away if she didn't.

Minseon blushed a little, his heartbeat increasing just by looking at her, feeling her arms around him. But he shook that off. "Wh-where's everyone?" he asked, looking around the area.

"On top of the hill, waiting. We can still make it for the sunset if we go now," she said.

The boy nodded and gently pulled away, "okay."

The two made it to the top just in time for the sun to go down, and boy was it beautiful.

Minseon couldn't help but compare that beauty to his friend...

...and she was more beautiful than anything he has ever seen.

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
Sorry for the late update! I was going to update sooner, but, my life has been pretty hectic and I've been really busy lately. I'm so sorry for the wait. Thank you for reading!

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