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"Yo, Jeon!" Yoongi's suddenly loud voice in Jeongguk's left ear startles him, causing him to stop walking and turn towards his shorter friend.

Jeongguk has been on his way to the music department for his music history class, a class he coincidentally shares with Yoongi.

"Jeez, hyung," Jeongguk winces, continuing to walk in the direction of their class. "It's 8:30 AM what the hell are you being so loud for?"

"Jeez yourself mushroom head, I'm not that loud," Yoongi retorts with exaggerated pouty lips and a disgusted look. He brushes his dark blue hair out of his eyes and quickens his steps to walks beside Jeongguk.

Jeongguk simply ignores Yoongi's comment, pulling down the sleeve of his black hoodie to cover his wrist to resist the urge to scratch the new tattoo that covers his forearm.

After a bit of comfortable silence, Jeongguk clears his throat, stealing Yoongi's attention from his phone screen.


Yoongi just hums in response, picking at the whole in his washed-out jeans.

"I have this project I'm working on for one of my classes. I have to write, compose, and record a sample song and I was wondering if-." Before Jeongguk can finish his request Yoongi cuts him off, stopping them from walking further.

"You want to use my new recording software don't you?" Yoongi asks incredulously.

"Maybe..." Jeongguk bites down on his bottom lip anxiously. He knows how much Yoongi adores his software. He always buys the best and gets overly excited about it, talking about the new tech endlessly, and spending days playing with song compositions. But that is exactly why he needs it. "Please, Yoongi hyung? This project is really important," Jeongguk begs, purposefully making his doe eyes bigger.

"Can't you just use Joon's? You guys are besties," Yoongi suggests, resuming their slow pace.

"But yours are better, plus Joon hyung is already busy with his mixtape stuff, he won't let me anywhere near him right now. Hyung please, if you don't let me use yours I'll have to use the school's cheap shit. You know that stuff doesn't work." Jeongguk is desperate. He needs this project to be perfect. He takes his schooling very seriously and always aims high in his classes.

"Fine," Yoongi gives in with an exaggerated sigh.

"Yes! Thank you so much Yoongi!" Jeongguk grabs Yoongi in a tight hug, bunny-toothed smile wide on his face.

"Yeah, okay get off," Yoongi grumbles, but he is unable to hide his fond smile at seeing Jeongguk so happy and excited.

~ ~ ~

It is the early afternoon and Jeongguk has just gotten out of his last class of the day. Tired and bored, he makes his way back to his dorm.

"Well, if it isn't the bad boy, Jeon Jeongguk." A somehow gruff yet higher-pitched voice calls out from behind Jeongguk.

He recognizes the voice immediately. A smirk falling into place on his thin lips. Jeongguk turns around slowly to address the voice.

"Yugyeom," Jeongguk says simply.

The slightly taller male is standing fairly close to Jeongguk. His mustard yellow hair falling into his eyes, delicate collar bone exposed thanks to the low hanging sweater adorning his frame. Jeongguk takes his time taking in the sight before him, letting his eyes run slowly up the tall boy's body. It is all too inviting.

"You sure like to stare at what's not yours," Yugyeom teases, walking ever closer.

"Mine or not, you are quite a sight." Jeongguk sucks in a tight breath, moving himself closer to the other.

"You free tonight?" Yugyeom asks sweetly, running a hand up Jeongguk's chest.

"I was gonna go to a bar with some friends..." Jeongguk trails, not wanting to give into Yugyeom's tempting antics too easily.

"I know it's rude to invite yourself but...can I come with?" Yugyeom sees the slight hesitation in Jeongguk's eyes and quickly acts to counter it. "Promise I'll make it worth your while," he whispers delicately before placing a teasing kiss just below Jeongguk's ear.

"Well, in that case." Without saying another word Jeongguk laces his hand with Yugyeom pulling him in the direction of his dorm.

"This'll be fun."

~ ~ ~

Jeongguk lets the music move his body as the alcohol rushes through his system. As much as he loves to work hard to achieve his goals, he equally loves to relax and live his life through memorable experiences. Whether that be graduating from a prestigious arts college and pursuing a career in music or experimenting with whatever new drug Yoongi has bought in the middle of a loud and chaotic night club.

That is why Jeongguk has a giddy smile on his face as he sways along with the beat of some pop remix. He watches as Namjoon flails his limbs, randomly jumping in his own little world, perfectly happy despite the slightly judgmental stares he receives. Yugyeom is fit snugly behind Jeongguk, hands lose around his waist, lips occasionally kissing his neck carelessly.

Jeongguk enjoys Yugyeom. He is like a chocolate cupcake for Jeongguk. He is sweet, an easy choice, always an option, not too complicated but not too vanilla. A nice treat without the commitment of a whole cake. And Yugyeom is happy to be Jeongguk's cupcake—for the time being at least. So they work perfectly now and when they don't they'd be more than happy as close friends.

"Didn't you say Yoongi hyung was also coming?" Yugyeom asks into Jeongguk's ear.

"Yeah. He said he's bringing some other people or something. Should be here soon," Jeongguk replies, somewhat struggling to maintain proper grammar with the mix of intoxicating substances in his body.

The two continue to dance against one another, laughing and drinking. Enjoying the relaxation that comes with the weekend. Yoongi eventually joins them, swinging an arm around Namjoon and introducing them to his friend Hoseok. The two apparently have classes together as they share the same major. Jeongguk likes Hoseok's immediately bubbly and charismatic personality. The room seems to glow brighter with his positive presence.

Jeongguk has always been fond of amiable people despite popular belief. Jeonggguk has the appearance of a bad boy. Probably something to do with his usually monochrome outfits, tattooed and pierced skin, or seemingly fuckboy way of sleeping with different people. But Jeongguk's personality never fully fits his appearance. He is confident in his morals, focused on his studies, and kind-hearted to most everyone. His exterior may seem bad and rough but his personality is fun and bright. And he has an undeniable soft spot for all things sweet and pretty.

Maybe that's why as he scans the crowded club his blurry vision focuses on one—very pretty—blond boy.


thoughts on jeongguk??

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