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 Jimin and Taehyung have just met up for a quick coffee. Their classes ended at the same time which gives them enough time to meet up before continuing their day. They decide to sit outside their usual coffee shop despite the chilly autumn breeze. In his thin black turtleneck and skinny jeans, Taehyung is jealous of the big white fuzzy sweater Jimin has on.

"You seem tired," Jimin states, eyeing Taehyung with a look of concern.

"I could say the same to you Jiminie," Taehyung snaps back with a frown.

Jimin rolls his eyes and lets a scoff escape his lips.

"C'mon, we both know you're working yourself far too hard," Taehyung says bluntly. "You're talented and work harder than anyone, it's perfectly fine to give yourself a break, to rest."

"I do rest, plus I'm not the only one pushing themselves here," Jimin snaps leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest defensively

"What is that supposed to mean?" Taehyung asks, his voice soft, almost hurt. He's tired and sore from the night before when Sehun had been particularly forceful. He's worried about his best friend and just wants Jimin to watch out for his health but now he's turning the conversation around like he always does.

"I mean that there is obviously something going on with you, I don't know if it has to do with Sehun, but I can tell it's been fucking with you bad."

"Stop trying to turn this around, Jimin," Taehyung says, refocusing the conversation, trying his best to ignore the mention of his boyfriend. Just his name is enough to bring back flashes of last night and the feeling of his hands pulling at Taehyung's clothing and gripping his skin harshly.

"I'm not, all I'm saying is if you're gonna lecture me about 'taking care of myself' then the least you can do is follow your own advice."

Taehyung lets out a breath. His head is aching and the bruise on his ribs burns with the slightest movement. He knows Jimin is just being his defensive self and he doesn't really want to hurt Taehyung. He often gets stuck in his head and can't see from anyone else's point of view. He's experienced first hand just how much damage this state of mind can bring, not just to Jimin, but to the people he cares about as well. Taehyung is just worried for him.

"You're right," Taehyung admits, taking a slow sip from his warm honey milk tea.

"Yeah," Jimin says, although he doesn't seem to be very confident in what he's right about.

"Me and Sehun have been having...issues. And it's been difficult, but so is what you're going through."

"Okay," Jimin says, biting his nails, avoiding Taehyung's eyes.

"I just want you to know that I'm here. I don't want it to get to what happened before."

At that Jimin looks up, eyes wide and full of hurt. Dark circles make his eyes seem so much darker, his usually round cheeks look thinner and Taehyung has to worry.

"It won't...I'm not going...I won't let that happen again," Jimin whispers weakly, fingers fidgeting on the table.


Taehyung reaches across the table, pulling Jimin's smaller hands in his, squeezing them tightly.

"Tae?" Jimin's voice is raw, vulnerability heavy on his tongue.


"Maybe we can just meet up later?" Jimin is hesitant with his words, eyes still avoiding Taehyung's.

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