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Jeongguk has been enjoying spending more time with Taehyung. He is a little surprised at how eager Taehyung has been to hangout regularly since their assignment together has passed. When Jeongguk had first met him, Taehyung seemed to be the shyest thing in the world, hardly able to speak a word to him without blushing. Now, he has come out of his shell, and as long as they don't make eye contact and Jeongguk keeps his teasing comments to himself, they can go a solid ten minutes without Taehyung becoming a nervous mess.

Getting to know Taehyung has admittedly made Jeongguk even more interested in him. He typically wouldn't let a single boy take up as much space in his head as he has with Taehyung. There is something about his soft-nature and obvious passion for the things he loves that Jeongguk can't get off his mind. He enjoys trying to see how comfortable he can make Taehyung so that he'll let Jeongguk get a glimpse of his honest self, sassiness and all.

"You're texting that Taehyung boy again, aren't you," Namjoon says teasingly.

"Do you even have to ask?" Yoongi jokes from where he is seated next to Namjoon.

The three are in Namjoon's studio where they met up so he could show them his new mixtape he's been working on.

"Whatever, at least I'm talking to someone," Jeongguk says, shutting off his phone to fix his hyungs with a teasing look. "You two are gonna be alone forever."

"I would shut up if I were you," Yoongi replies cooly, raising his hand in warning.

"Oh, like you could even touch me, you're just a short little— Ow!" Jeongguk squeals, rubbing his head where Yoongi smacked him before bursting out into a fit of giggles.

"You think too highly of yourself, Gguk," Yoongi says, leaning back in his chair.

After calming down a little Jeongguk realizes Namjoon is looking at him with a fond smile, almost like a proud father.

"What?" Jeongguk asks, shifting in his seat.

"So you really like this guy, huh?" Namjoon asks, a smile still stuck to his face.

"I mean yeah, I guess so," Jeongguk says, unable to stop his own smile.

"Well, I'm glad," Namjoon says sincerely, "you seem happy."

"I am."

"Wait, I thought he had a boyfriend," Yoongi says, looking up from his phone with a confused pout.

"Yeah, he does," Jeongguk says, looking down at his fidgeting hands.

"Are they serious?" Namjoon asks.

"I don't- I don't actually know."

"Well, if he doesn't then you might actually have a chance," Yoongi says, scrolling through his phone once again.

"Probably not," Jeongguk says honestly.

"You never know," Namjoon says comfortingly, "I'm not saying you should go after a taken man but there's no harm in making it clear you're interested."


"You should know, fuckboy" Yoongi chuckles, glancing up.

"I'm not a fuckboy," Jeongguk argues, looking offended.

"Well, you certainly dress like one."

"Yeah? Well you dress like a twink," Jeongguk shoots back.

"You two are so stupid, please," Namjoon groans, "And just be respectful but honest."

"I don't wanna overstep, isn't that kind of rude," Jeongguk asks with concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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