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*TW* mentions of abuse/violence

Jeongguk drives them to a large park. Their conversation is casual and flows well. Taehyung finds his anxiety calmed by the other's easy way of speaking and laid back attitude. He doesn't feel a need to fill pauses in their conversation and there is plenty to talk about considering they really hardly know each other. They've only discussed school and snacks before this.

    "It's beautiful here," Taehyung says as they get out of the car.

    In front of them is a wide grassy area that looks like the perfect place for a spring-time picnic. There are several paths that lead in different directions, there is a cluster of trees that grow thicker to form a little forest and on the other side is a huge greenhouse filled with colorful flowers and greenery.

Taehyung takes it all in, eyes wide with wonder. He has always loved nature and this park has offered itself as his own little hideaway.

"Good thing you brought your camera, huh?" Jeongguk asks with a small smile as he comes around the car to stand beside Taehyung.


Taehyung takes a moment to close his eyes, he lets the rest of his body take in his surroundings. Feel the gentle fall breeze against his skin, hear the birds in the trees, and take a deep breath to smell the grass and trees.

And he almost lets himself smile. He almost lets himself forget. Almost.

"Can we please go in the greenhouse?" Taehyung asks excitedly, turning to Jeongguk with sparkles in his eyes.

"Of course, that's why I suggested we'd come here," Jeongguk says, walking across the dewy grass towards the greenhouse.


"Yeah, I thought you might want to take pictures. It's always so green here and there are so many pretty flowers and different plants," Jeongguk says matter-of-factly.

Taehyung thinks Jeongguk looks a little funny walking in this little world of green in his dark clothes and sharp piercings. He wants to take a picture of it but decides against it, capturing it in his mind instead.

"Nature is usually your subject, right?" Jeongguk asks, sounding genuinely curious.

Taehyung isn't used to having someone so curious about him but he's excited to share his art.

"Yeah, for the most part. I've always loved nature and it never fails to inspire me." They walk for a bit at a slow pace, enjoying the scenery around them. "How'd you know?"

"I may or may not have found your Instagram account for your art on accident," Jeongguk says, turning his head away from Taehyung but not before the older sees the shy smile on his lips and pink tinting his ears.

"Oh," Taehyung says, becoming embarrassed himself, realized Jeongguk had seen all his artwork.

"What did you think?" Taehyung asks before he can stop himself.

"Oh, it's all beautiful. You're very talented." Jeongguk says it so confidently like it's a statement and it makes Taehyung blush.


"Well, I definitely disagree. You use so many different mediums but are so good at all of them," Jeongguk says before playfully bumping Taehyung's shoulder with his, "You're very impressive, Kim Taehyung."  

Taehyung doesn't know how to respond so he lets silence overcome them. Pretends the tightening in his stomach isn't there. He lets his eyes take in the big trees and fresh colors in amazement at how everything seems so alive despite winter being just around the corner.

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