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"Yoongi! Aren't you going to introduce us to the rest of your friends?" Jeongguk calls, eager to meet the soft boy.

    "They came with Hobi, I don't know them well," Yoongi mentions offhandedly, "Introduce yourself, I'm busy."

    Rolling his eyes Jeongguk pushes his way over to Hoseok, leaving Yugyeom with Namjoon and Yoongi for the time being.

    "Hey, Hoseok!" Jeongguk greets cheerfully. The older turns around, meeting him with an equally cheerful smile.

    "Hey, lemme introduce you to my friends!" Hoseok shouts a little too loudly. "This is my wonderfully handsome boyfriend, Seokjin," he announces, smiling giddily as he grabs a tall, broad-shouldered boy with black hair and round glasses.

    "Nice to meet you, Seokjin." Jeongguk bows, his attention still stuck on the pretty stranger next to them.

    "Call me Jin." The older smiles kindly, Jeongguk nodding in return.

    "That's Taehyung," Hoseok motions to the seemingly small blond boy before adding softly, "and his dickhead boyfriend Sehun. But you didn't hear it from me," Hoseok laughs freely, leaning closer to Seokjin. It isn't until Hoseok mentions him that Jeongguk actually notices the tall boy standing behind Taehyung, hands placed protectively on the smaller boy's hip.

    "Hi, I'm Jeongguk. Nice to meet you," Jeongguk speaks gently, bowing slightly, eyes fixs on the now shyly smiling boy before him. Taehyung.

    "H-hi," Taehyung responds tentatively.

His voice is deeper than Jeongguk had expected but just as soft as his glowing appearance. Washed out, high waisted jeans hug the curve of his hips and thighs, black crop sweater somehow oversized—giving him sweater paws—while still exposing his cute tummy. His blond hair is slightly curled, long silver earring adorning his ears, reflecting the flashing lights in the club. His honey skin is peachy over his round cheeks, lips plump and glossed pink. He offers Jeongguk a sweet smile, nose scrunching cutely. The breathing definition of beauty and Jeongguk feels like he could stare for hours.

    Before Jeongguk can continue their conversation, the boy behind Taehyung clears his throat, making both boys turn their attention to him.

    "That's enough now, let's go dance, baby," Sehun interrupts before pushing Taehyung towards the crowded dance floor.

    Jeongguk can't help but be slightly disappointed with how short his interaction with Taehyung had been. His head is still stuck on the boy's smile.

No one should be that pretty.

    "Dick!" Yugyeom's voice rips Jeongguk away from his thoughts.

    "W-what?" Jeongguk asks confused, his senses just barely coming back.

    "Can I have it?" Yugyeom whines loudly, turning Jeongguk around so that they're facing each other properly.

    "Have what?"

Yugyeom rolls his eyes, half falling against Jeongguk's chest—whether that is on purpose or due to his obvious drunkenness is forever a mystery.

    "Your dick, stupid," Yugyeom's words slur messily as he spews them into Jeongguk's neck. 

    "M' not a dick, Yugyeom," Jeongguk defends with a confused frown. Stealing the others drink before he can spill it, downing it himself.

    "No! I want your dick!" Yugyeom yells, unnecessarily loud. "Like, now. You're dumb hot."

    "Yugyeom!" Jeongguk exclaims an exaggerated look of shock on his face.

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