"You won't be letting anyone down okay?" he assured.

"Yeah, write much today?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Another few pages, not much though. I had to deal with our five year old daughters moodiness" he explained.

"Not a good day for her then?" Betty asked.

"That's an understatement. However, she's in bed asleep now so I think she was just tired" he got interrupted by a message from his phone.

Archie: Bring some beer tonight. We need a lot for this many guests 👌

"Oh shit" Jughead cursed.


"We completely forgot about Archie and Veronica's housewarming party" he complained.

"Oh yeah!" she suddenly remembered.

"We didn't even get a sitter and you're tired, maybe we just shouldn't go?"

"Jug, you and Archie have been looking forward to actually spending time together for ages. You barely see eachother anymore. I'll stay with Juliet, you go" she suggested.

"But I don't want you to have to sort her out whilst your tired and stressed" he sighed.

"I've handled that girl for 5 years, one night is not an issue. Plus that foot rub and wine really helped" she smiled.

"Okay, but you call me for anything okay?" I instructed, still reluctant to go.

"Okay" she agreed.

Soon enough Jughead came downstairs in jeans and an ironed white shirt with the top two buttons undone. Betty stared at her husband in awe, only wishing she was well enough to go there with him.

"You sure you're okay gorgeous?" he asked, walking over to the sofa where she lay.

"I'm fine, go have fun" she smiled and pecked his lips. He stroked her hair back and gave her one last longing kiss before leaving the house.

Jughead's POV

"Jughead!! Good to see you man" Archie cheered as they bro hugged.

"Jug!" Veronica smiled and hugged him but pulled away with a confused look.

"Where's Betty?" she asked.

"She's not feeling well, tired from work hours. I was going to stay home with her but she insisted" he explained, they both nodded and joined back into the party.

Jughead: Just checking you're okay xx

Betts😘: I'm okay Juggie, don't worry. Please try and have fun tonight, you deserve it xx

Jughead: Wish you were here xx

Betts😘: I wish I was there too. Now go and enjoy yourself! Don't get too drunk ❤️❤️

He smiled before putting his phone away and walking over to where Archie, Veronica, Toni, Kevin and Cheryl were sat together.

Betty's POV

"Mummy?" Juliet whined as she stumbled into the living room.

"Hey princess! I haven't seen you all day!" I grinned, picking her up and placing her on my lap.

"I can't sleep" she yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Why's that?"

"I want to sleep in yours and daddy's bed. Mine is uncomfortable" she whined. That meant one thing only, she'd wet the bed.

"Come on honey, let's get you in the bath" I sighed. Whilst she was playing with her rubber ducks in the bath I changed the sheets, covers and pillow and put them in the washing machine straight away before putting fresh everything on. I sprayed the room with some air freshener and got out some Peppa pig pyjamas.

*20 minutes later*

"You tired yet? Or do you want to come and sit downstairs with mummy?" I asked, after helping her change.

"Downstairs" she giggled. I quickly brushed out her freshly washed hair before carrying her downstairs. We watched recorded episodes of Peppa pig until we both fell asleep on the sofa.

*4 hours gone*

Jughead's POV

I unlocked the door as quietly as I could and walked into the kitchen, dumping my keys and phone down. I could hear the TV on and walked into the living room. Betty and Juliet were cuddled up on the couch asleep with Peppa pig on in the background. I chuckled and turned it off before picking Juliet up and carrying her to her bedroom. As soon as I put her down she woke up.

"Daddy!" she smiled goofily.

"Hi honey"

"Can I sleep in mummy's and your bedroom?" she asked. I agreed and placed her in our bed before going back downstairs, picking Betty up and putting her in bed. Juliet fell back asleep easily as I held onto my two favourite girls.

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