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Meera turned the doorknob pulling the door wide open, ignoring Nandini's begs, she couldn't do what she wanted her to do, not even if she wanted to, Samar was literally one doorstep away.

Meera could feel Nandini's trembling body from where she was standing, the woman has switched to a completely different person in a split of a second, all of her sophisticated demeanor vibrated in thin air when it all became to the moment of truth, where she had to confront her son about who she really was, all sympathy aside, Meera could care less about Nandini's situation at this moment, all she cared about was Samar and how did he get here when he could barely stand on his feet.

An audible gasp escaped Meera's lips at the sight of Samar wobbly body attached to Arjun's forearm

"Meera, would you please help me get him inside," Arjun said rolling his eyes

Meera wrapped her arm around Samar's torso when he staggered forward, "OH.." she muttered, flopping back, It took more effort than she expected to remain her feet steady on the ground

Samar hugged her, burying his face in her neck, he took a long deep breath, inhaling her sweet spicy scent, "Hmm, you smell like cinnamon cookies" he didn't know if it was real or was it the morphine shot he took before leaving the hospital messing with his head, he growled nuzzling the spot behind her ear

Meera's face morphed from shock into a genuine smile when she felt the warmth of his lips brushing against her skin "Samar!!" she called in a concerned whisper

Samar reached for the door frame, pushing himself out of her embrace, even though every cell in his body implored for her touch, he knew that his weight was too heavy for her tender physique.

Meera cupped his face with both hands, made him meet her gaze "Why are you here?! you should be in bed"

Samar lowered his face and planted a soft peck on her cheek and drew back with a goofy smile on his face "Relax baby girl"

He spread his arms wide open "Look!! I'm totally fine, it's just a bullet graze, definitely not my first"

His attempt to lighten up Meera's tension did so little when her smile faded and was replaced with a frown, he could see the disappointment in her face, and she had every reason to be so, it was really immature to joke about this when he could've easily lost his life, and as if that wasn't enough, now she has to take care of him while he recovers his injury since he discharged himself from the hospital where he can get the proper care he desperately needed.

"I'm sorry Meera I know I probably shouldn't......" Samar suddenly stopped when he spotted Nandini standing in the middle of his living room

He tightened his jaw, studying every inch of Nandini's face, it didn't take long for him to recognize her, he was good with faces, never forget one, especially enemies.

Meera cleared her throat "Ahem...Samar, this is Mrs. Gu...."

"I know who she is," Samar said as he crept closer to Nandini "Mrs. Aakash Gupta, the prime minister's wife, I believe we met before..."

"Yes, the Art museum" Nandini replied with her hand out to shake his

Samar's shook her hand and his eyebrows pulled in together with a suspicious glare, he couldn't think of any possible reason for her to be in his house

If he remembers correctly, she didn't even bother to greet him that night at the art museum, she simply ignored him, could it be that her husband sent her to check if he was still alive?! No, it can't be, he has other people for this kind of work, why would he send his wife to do his nasty business?! She seemed like a decent respectful lady, but he knew better than to let that fool him

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