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Hello my beautiful readers,
I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year
And to thank you for all your love and support, I couldn't have done it without you

Thank you for making 2017 so special

Love you all
Hope you enjoy reading, it's a long chapter ❤️😊
But first check the characters chapter for updates

Samar and Meera were quiet all the way back to her place, even though he kissed her before, but this time was different, it was their real first kiss, there was a mutual feeling between them, this time they both wanted it

They got inside the elevator, and Meera stood at the corner looking at Samar who was staring at her with his back leaning against the opposite side, he tilted his head and she watched his eyes traveling slowly across her body up to her face and he suddenly chuckled.

She looked down with her eyebrows brought together checking herself out, there wasn't anything funny about her

She looked back at him an a small smile spread across his face as he walked slowly to her, and with every step she was struggling to control her breathing, as he got closer she slowly closed her eyes, anticipating the feeling of his lips on her again, Meera thought that she would swoon in his arms, her emotions overwhelmed her in a good way.

But this time he didn't go for her lips, she was startled by the feeling of his warm breath on the side of her neck, her heart was beating so fast that it almost burst out of her chest

Her hands were about to slide around his waist when she heard the elevator sound dinging

She lifted her head to meet his grinning face "You forgot to press the button" Samar said, kissing the tip of her nose when he saw her cheeks starting to blush

Meera lowered her head, avoiding his stares, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't wait to run out of the elevator

Samar took her chin between his thumb and forefinger lifting her head up gently forcing her to meet his eyes "Look at me" he whispered and pecked her on her cheek, and then on her lips "Don't you ever deny me of those beautiful eyes" he leaned over with one hand behind her head, and one on her back, he pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck inhaling her scent before pressing kisses along her jawline down to her throat

Meera pressed her hands on his chest as he pulled her even closer, she tried to calm herself down, to control her racing heartbeat, but she couldn't, she craved him with every cell in her body, even when her mind resisted her hands clung to his shirt pressing him against her, she was never used to this kind of show of affection, Jay wouldn't even kiss her in public while Samar was making her experience things she never did before, being with him, excited her in every way

And just as she was catching one more desperate breath, the elevator door opened and Meera quickly pushed Samar away from her

Someone entered the elevator, it was Mr Malhotra, her seventy year old neighbor, he greeted them and stood in the middle with his back to them

Meera was in the right corner with her hand covering her mouth hiding her giggling while Samar stood on the left corner with his hands deep in his pocket and his head down with a small smile on the corner of his lips

Meera was juggling her key in her hand nervously as they reached the door, she tried to unlock it, but her hand was too shaky that she accidentally dropped them on the floor

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