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Hello my beautiful readers,
I missed you all so much and I just wanted to first apologize for not updating in so long and to thank you all for loving my story and your patience
I hope you like the new chapter
❤️Love you❤️

Back at the hospital Samar was sound asleep when he felt a light touch up his arm, he opened his eyes to see who was holding him, hoping it would be Meera, but it was the nurse checking his blood pressure

"Sorry if I woke you up" she said with an apologetics smile

"It's ok, How long have I been asleep?!" He asked, rubbing his eyes slowly, he didn't remember falling asleep, it must've been because of all the drugs they're giving him, He scanned the room looking for Meera, but she wasn't there, she was supposed to be here by now

"Not long, Merely three hours" the nurse said, looking at her watch

"Three hours!!!" Samar quickly propped himself up on his elbows sitting up, the nurse held his shoulder keeping him still, "Relax, you shouldn't make any sudden moves"

He cringed and cursed, the pain was like needles jammed through his body, and the fact that Meera wasn't here yet agitated him even more

"Do you need something for the pain?!" The nurse asked with concern

Samar shook his head in disapproval "I'm fine" even though he wasn't really, he hated the feeling of being sedated nonetheless the smell of the hospital, the pungent smell of the chlorine made him feel queasy, and he couldn't wait to get out of this bed

"I guess the medicine can fix the pain, but cannot fix that ugly face" Arjun voice came from behind the nurse who repressed a giggle

Samar looked at him, letting out a short snort "Aren't you supposed to be catching bad guys, or you suck at that too?!"

"Aren't you suppose to be in a coma?!" Arjun scoffed rested his hand on his hips with one raised brow

Samar chuckled, holding his side in irritation "Asshole"

Arjun tapped Samar's shoulder gently "How you're feeling?!"

Samar huffed in distress "Definitely been better"

"Any news?!" Samar asked in a poor attempt to take his mind off the excruciating pain

Arjun huffed landing on the chair next to Samar's bed "Nothing, it's like he disappeared in a puff of smoke"

Samar exhaled deeply, his expressions were a mixture of pain and anger "I don't like this, this whole thing seems damn fishy"

Arjun leaned over and knitted his brows in concentration "Fishy?! What do you mean by fishy?!"

Samar placed his hands on the bed supporting his body as his feet reached the ground "Do you really think Jay is capable of planning all this by his own?! That he arranged his getaway and hiding place by himself?! Why did he even have a gun in the first place?!"

Everything Samar said was possible, theoretically speaking, Jay had no criminal record and probably never even got into a fight, but Samar couldn't believe that what he did was unprompted

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