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Samar's POV

As creepy as it may sound, I just couldn't stay away from her, not with Charlie's voice echoing in my head "We'll keep an eye on you, both of you"

It was a matter of time until he or one of his men cross Meera's way, so as long as Charlie and his gang are out there, leaving Meera by herself was not an option

I drove my car around her block double checking for anyone suspicious hovering around, thinking, no wonder she's more afraid of me than those freaks, I'm technically stalking her, I bet she would file a restraining order once she find out I've been following her everywhere, but I didn't care, If I can't be with her now, the least I could do is protect her even if it was from afar

If I could only persuade her to agree to attend the event though, it would be much easier to keep an eye on her being by my side than all the way across the town, but since I was the reason she said no, I had to approach her with a deal she could never refuse

I wasn't sure how I was going to convince her when I called and asked her to let me in, all she said was "Yes" before opening the door, she was in short shorts and a Minnie Mouse T-shirt, she was so cute that it was impossible to look at her and not smile, I looked her up and down smirking "Nice PJS"

She looked down at her exposed thighs and her cheeks turned red in embarrassment, she hid behind the door, grabbing a rain coat from the hanger and slipped into it

She said in a hesitated voice "I wasn't expecting anyone, Please, come in"

I walked in and she closed the door behind me while still tying her coat belt

I took off my biker jacket and sat on the armchair "I'm sorry, I know it's not a good time but I really needed to talk to you"

she was sitting on the sofa looking at me with a concerned look on her face

"No, it's ok, can I offer you something to drink?!" She said with a calmer tone

I shook my head no, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans, before taking a long, deep breath "First, I wanted to apologize for showing up today at your work without a prior notice"

She tilted her head, smiling sympathetically "You don't have too, clearly it was something important that brought you down there, actually I'm the one who should apologize, I could've at least hear you out"

I clasped my hands on my lap "Why should you?! You have every right to refuse, I shouldn't have assumed that you'll agree"

She just nodded a silent approval, and I couldn't hide my bitter smile, I was expecting some kind of an argument, but I guess she was still standing by her decision

"I won't take much of your time, I'm here to offer you a deal" I said with a straight face

She looked at me with her eyebrows drawn together "A deal?! What kind of a deal?!"

"What if I told you that I can give you the chance to get your dream job in any respect newspaper of your choice, since you don't like working in that magazine"

Her eyes wandered off, and I got confused, I thought that this is what she always wanted "I thought you'd be more interested"

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