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As I promised, here's the new chapter ...
Hope you all like it..
Thank you all for reading my story...
I really appreciate all your love and support💕


At the restaurant

Samar asked Meera to wait in the car while he checked the restaurant, he wanted to make sure that everything looked normal and safe before she enters

He walked in and scanned the place with irritation, it was one of the most expensive upscale restaurants in town, with crystal chandeliers and crisp white table cloths, they even have a stage for live music, this definitely doesn't feel like a formal meeting, it had "Romantic Date" written all over it

He looked around and spotted the table where Jay was sitting, he was in a three piece charcoal suit and a matching Bordeaux red tie, his table was the only one with a red rose delicately placed in a long neck glass vase, it was obvious that it was specially requested by Jay which made Samar even more furious

Samar chose the table with the perfect view of Jay's table, he didn't want him to get out of his sight for one moment

"Excuse me" Samar called the restaurant hostess "I'm setting at this table"

The hostess smiled politely "I'm sorry Sir, but this table is reserved" she said, pointing to the table sign that said the word reserved on it

Samar looked at her with emotionless face and took the sign, placing it in her hand "Not anymore"

"But Sir.." She tried to object, but stopped when Samar flashed his police badge in her face

She walked away mumbling something as Samar took his seat with his phone in his hand, he tapped on Meera's name and placed the phone on his ear

"Hey" her voice came from the other end of the line

"Formal meeting my ass, this man thinks it's a fucking Valentine's Day date" Samar said in a sarcastic tone

Meera let out a breath "I don't care what he thinks, I'm only here for you"

"I'm starting to regret it already"

"Everything is going to be fine, now can I come over?!"

Samar looked around one more time "Yes, everything looks ok"

Meera walked into the restaurant and her eyes looking around searching for Samar, she didn't even care enough to look for Jay, she wanted to make sure  that she could find Samar the minute she needed him

Her eyes caught the sight of him sitting on a table to her right, he looked at her with admiring eyes, he couldn't remember her looking this beautiful when they left the house, the curls of hair, the color of her cheeks, she looked so perfect, it gave Samar shooting pain in his chest

This supposed to be their night, he hasn't even gotten the chance to take her on a proper date

She smiled nervously and he nodded, pointing his head to the table in front of him

She looked to her left to find Jay's waiting for her, suddenly her heart sank and her throat constricted, making it difficult for her to swallow

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