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Samar's POV

This is getting worse and worse, more than I thought it would be, when I arrived here all my concern was how to make these men talk and give me the information I need, it took me six months to convince them to meet me, and almost three years prior to that working on this case .

Being a special agent in the organized crime unit was something I always wanted particularly to work on this case, I've never let my personal life interfere with my work, but to me this was personal, this Mafia took the most precious person in my life, my father, being raised by a single parent after my mother left my father because he was involved with the Mafia was hard on us both, me and my father, but he got out of that world just for my sake, he risked his life every day, being threatened by his gangs and his rivals, each of them wanted him back on their side, but he never went back, we moved every few months just to keep me safe and allowing me to live a normal life, I am who I am today just because of him.

And now that's I'm so close to bring them down, here comes this girl out of nowhere, not only jeopardizing my case, but also putting both of our lives on the line, and instead of acting like a cold blooded gangster as I was supposed to be doing, I've got my tongue down some girl's throat.


It never occurred to Meera that she'll end up in this kind of situations, facing a life threatening encounter with a possible killer but worse, being kissed by him.

She put her hands on his chest to push him away at first, but ended up clinging to him as her knees grew week, he drew her body tight against his, parting his lips when she showed no resistance, his touch was spreading heat through her veins, and it wasn't because it's been a while since she was kissed, it was the way he kissed her, no one ever kissed her this way, not even her fiancé of nearly two years, she couldn't believe that someone could kiss this passionately without feeling anything for the other, either he was desperately trying to convince these men that he was in love with her, or he was just a damn good kisser.

She was starting to kiss him back when he suddenly broke the kiss and shifted back, leaving Meera hanging for a second barely catching her breath

"Was it good enough?!" Samar asked her, wiping the lipstick prints off his mouth.

"Aha" Meera sighed, nodding with her eyes still shut

Samar shook her shoulder and her eyes were popped open "I meant, was it good enough for them to buy it?!"

Meera swallowed hard before peeping at the men who were smiling at her winking and nudging each other's

"I don't know, but they look less scary, and actually more disgusting" Meera made a disgusted face looking at the tall guy winking at her licking his lips.

"Believe me they could never be less scary, just stay behind me and try not to do anything stupid" Samar said in a bossy way.

Meera gave him a dirty look and just nodded, thinking 'Am I a magnet to jerks?! Why can't I meet one normal, decent guy who doesn't turn out to be a cheater or a criminal?! Is that too much to ask for?!"

Samar turned to the men rubbing his hands together "So, where were we?!"

The tall guy kept staring at Meera licking his lower lip "I bet she tastes like candy"

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