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Meera's POV

My heart was hammering in my chest as I slammed the passenger door shut, I was panting, gasping for air after running all the way to my car, this whole night was one hell of a roller coaster for me, physically and emotionally, I looked at The man sitting next to me in the driver's seat, and to my surprise, he wasn't  even winded, it was like he was strolling through the alley and not like his legs were pumping in bolt speed a minute ago, his face was emotionless as he started the engine of my car which looked smaller than I ever noticed now that he squeezed himself in, I didn't hesitate to hand him my car keys when he asked for them, not only because of his intimidating demanding tone, but I was too nervous to drive anyway, or so I convinced myself

He looked in the rear mirror checking if we've been followed, while I checked my phone for messages from Preity "Shit" I said when I saw how many times Preity tried to contact me

He looked in the mirror, then over his shoulders at the road behind us, with widened eyes "What?! Do you see any one?!"

I held up my phone and showed him the screen "I'm dead"

He looked at me for a moment with a confused face before taking the phone off my hand "Wow, nine messages and six missed calls" he said with his eyes on the phone screen

His lips quirked up a bit, raising his brows, before asking in a mischievous tone "Possessive Boyfriend?!"

I snatched the phone from his hand, giving him a cold stare and said in an angry voice "Again, Not that's it's any of your business, but no, it's Preity, my friend from work, I don't have a boyfriend"

A smirk formed on the corner of his lip "For things not being my business, you're telling me way too much" he said with undeniable amusement, and I felt a strange chill running through my body and it wasn't because of what he said, but it was his voice, his deep, warm voice, and for a moment I was lost in my thoughts, staring at his profile, where his smirk curved a dimple on his cheek, my eyes traveled all the way to his wide shoulders and down to his arms, he pulled up his sleeves showing his impressive forearms, his veins were popping out through his smooth tanned skin as he tightly clinched his big hands on the steering wheel, the same hands that were holding me tightly against his firm body minutes ago

I bit my lips frustrated with the level of stupidity I'm showing tonight, it seemed like every time he looked at me, my brain freezes, What the hell was wrong with me, why am I acting this way?! he was still a stranger to me

I kept my eyes down on my phone trying to avoid looking at him directly "So, are you going to explain anytime soon, or am I waiting to be strangled in some isolated place?!" I asked

He looked at me huffing and shaking his head "You Don't even know if I'm a real murderer or not, and yet, you keep putting ideas in my head on how I should kill you"

I pressed my body against the door ready to throw myself out of the moving car the second he thinks of laying a hand on me.

His eyes were shifting between me and the rear mirror, and a small laugh escaped his mouth looking at how I was hugging my door frightened "Relax, I won't strangle you, no matter how tempting it was, I'm one of the good guys, you know, the ones who protect and serve"

My phone was flashing again, but I placed it face down on my lap, I stared at him not knowing what to say, "aren't you going to answer that?!" he asked, looking into my wondering eyes, and for once his eyes softened getting less dark than when he gets tense, they were chocolate brown

My body started to relax as I began to realize who he was "You're a cop?!" I asked

He said with his eyes focused on the road "Samar Anand, Special Agent in the organized crime unit"

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