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Meera's POV

Samar dropped me in front of the club while he parked the car

The music was blaring as I stood at the club entrance, it was so loud I could barely hear my own thought, I was overtaken by this bizarre atmosphere, the disco lights and laser beams dancing to the DJ's beat, the intoxicated swaying bodies on the dance floor, it was all odd to me, I wasn't much of a party girl, If it was up to me, I would pick a night on my couch, with a good book over any night in here.

My eyes wandered around looking for Preity as I made my way through the crowd, bumping into people as they twist and turn to the music.

I finally saw Preity, she was standing at the bar, chatting with some couple, I couldn't tell who were they, they were standing with their back to me

As I walked closer, she looked at me with the weirdest expression on her face, she was nodding her head for me to go the opposite direction, but I just kept walking to her with my brows brewed together shrugging my shoulders, I shook my head mouthing "WHAT?!" as I got closer

The man started to turn around and it was then when I realized what she was trying to tell me, it was Jay, my ex fiancé with Pooja, My once best friend, my heart started pounding in my chest as my breathing got shallow, It felt like I received a hard punch in the stomach, he was standing with a drink in one hand and holding Pooja's tiny waist with the other, they looked like they had just jumped from a fashion magazine cover, starting with Jay, with his perfect gelled hair feathered back, and his fitted suit, which I think he lives in nowadays, to Pooja, who was in a skinny gold sequins short dress that was clinging to her body, I wonder how she could breath in that thing

Pooja has been my friend since high school, we were inseparable, we even unrolled into the same college, until the day Jay asked me to marry him, I asked her to be my maid of honor at the same day, she was my best friend after all, but soon after that she started behaving so strange, she dropped out of college at the last semester to work in her father's company, where Jay used to work as an intern, and as time went by she just drifted away, we stopped meeting for lunch like we used to do, and started to ignore me and never answered my calls, the week before my wedding I was panicking, there was so much to do and I couldn't get hold of her so I went to the company to talk to her and see what the hell was going on with her, I opened her office door to find her sitting on her desk with Jay's hands on her waist, they were kissing, my head started spinning watching him holding her tight, she jumped off the desk pushing Jay away from her the minute her eyes met mine, my heart sank to my feet and I couldn't say anything I just left, I couldn't even shed a tear, I was so shocked to even react normally , so I just kept walking like a freaking zombie.

I looked at him thinking, that he must have come straight from his future in law's company where he has now reached the top of it climbing up the Boss's daughter, literally.

He look at me with a surprised look on his face almost spilling his drink "Meera!!"

"Jay" I said with a fake smile, looking at Preity who tilted her head, giving me the most sympathetic glare ever, she knew me so well she could feel the pain I'm suffering right now.

He scanned me from head to toe "You look good" and I got a weird mixture of feelings, mostly disgust and a resentment, of course I look good , What was he expecting?! A broken, depressed Meera Who wasn't able to recover after he ripped her heart out of her chest and stepped on it with his ridiculously expensive pointy leather shoes

I looked at him with so many replies going on my mind, but none of them seemed enough to give me any kind of satisfaction so I just said "You look good too, both of you"

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