Twenty Five

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⚠️This part contains +18 sexual content⚠️

Meera laid in bed resting her head on Samar's arm with her face buried at the crook of his neck thinking how stupid she sounded a minute ago

There's more??

Why did she say that?! Of course there's more, she was a virgin but she wasn't that clueless, and she didn't want Samar of all people to think of her as a naive modest girl who didn't know the difference between forplay and sex

Samar trailed his fingers lazily up and down her spine, her breath fanned his neck as she exhaled deeply, his eyes shifting down looking at her still shut eyes, she looked so fragile, being the first sexual experience for a woman was every man's dream but for Samar it was like a double edged sword, especially when that woman was Meera, he wanted this night to be one of her best memories and not a trauma that could scar her for the rest of her life

"Baby look at me" He said waiting for her to grant him with a glance of her opalescent eyes

Meera slowly opened her eyes meeting his gaze he was staring so deep in her eyes peering into her soul

"What's wrong?!" He asked with concern

"Nothing" Meera answered lowering her lashes again

Samar rolled her in his direction so they're laying facing each other "Was that too much for you?!"

Meera replied straight away "No, I really liked it, and I know there's more, you must think I'm the most prude person because I'm still a virgin at this age, but I'm not"

She took a moment before proceeding "I never felt ashamed of my choice to keep my virginity, I've been on romantic dates but I didn't want to do it with any random guy, I wanted it to happen at the right time with the right person, someone who I loved and trusted"

Samar listened to her with undivided attention as she poured her heart out to him

Meera eyelids dropped as her mind drifted "Even though I loved Jay at the time but it just didn't happen for some reasons, and as time passed by and we got engaged, making love for the first time on my wedding night sounded nice so I waited, and it turned out to be a good thing that I did"

Samar tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek softly "First of all, I would never think of you as a prude person for obvious reasons" He said looking at her bare breast, and she pulled the sheet covering herself with a bashful smile

He smiled "And secondly I respect your decision, no one, including me, have the right to question any of your choices, you're a strong independent woman who wouldn't let anyone tell her what and what not to do, and I love that about you"

Samar eyes lit up as he stared at her clutching the sheet to her curvaceous breasts "And last but not least, I'm immensely glad that you waited" a smirk formed at the corner of his lips, he couldn't deny the fact that he loved being the first man she ever made love with

Meera bit her lower lips with a wide grin "I'm glad I waited too"

Samar snatched the sheet off her hands and rolled on top of her "We better make your waiting worthwhile"

Meera wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her "Please do" she said in almost a whisper and Samar lips met hers in a searing kiss, she pulled him closer to her, leaving no room between their naked bodies, her touch send waves of heat through his body as her hands started roaming around his chest, arms and back tracing the curves of his muscles, no woman ever made him feel the way she did

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