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Meera stood in the middle of the room speechless

How in the hell is this woman, the wife of Samar's worst enemy be his mother?!

This was just incomprehensible for her

"Do you expect me to believe this bullshit?! That's your actually Samar's mother?! Do I look that stupid?!" Meera said in a low firm tone, the last thing she wanted is for Samar to wake up to this nonsense

Mrs Gupta looked at Meera, and at that moment Meera realized that look, it was the same looks she had that night at the party, even though she looked nothing like that glamorous lady she was, they both had the same look in their eyes, that broken remorseful look

"I don't expect you to believe me, but I'm not asking for anything now, All I want is to see my son, and make sure that he's alright"

Meera snorted "Your son?!! Do you still think that I'll fall for that, your husband would love nothing more than to see Samar's dead body"

Suddenly Mrs Gupta face changed, the remorse in her eyes turned into disgust "He's not my husband, and will never be"

Meera's brows rose with a puzzled  look in her face "What do you mean?! You're married to him, aren't you?!"

"I gave up everything to prevent this from happening, to keep him safe, he promised he'll never hurt him, he promised" Mrs Gupta said with clenched jaws, as tears streamed down her face

Meera shook her head, not knowing how to react to what she just heard

And before she could say anything Mrs Gupta was on her way to the door "I have to go, if he finds out that I was here..."

"Wait!! You can't just leave like that, you have to explain.." Meera grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving

"I can't, he must've noticed my absence by now, but I'll call you and we'll meet up, I'll explain everything"

Meera stared at her, not sure if she should trust her or not

Mrs Gupta turned the door knob and looked back at Meera before walking out "You can't tell Samar about this, about me"

"I can't lie to him" Meera said shaking her head

Mrs Gupta looked at Meera with bleeding eyes "Please, I'm not asking you to lie, just don't mention it to him, it's for his own safety"

Meera looked at Samar and back to Mrs Gupta "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I promise I'll explain, just promise me you won't tell him" Mrs Gupta said squeezing Meera's hand

Meera couldn't help but to nod, the last thing she wanted is to put Samar's life in danger...again


It was 10 am and Meera has just slept two hours ago, after Mrs Gupta was gone, she kept roaming the room, not believing what was happening, and above it all, she has to keep it from Samar, which was the hardest thing she has to do, how could she not tell him that his mother was back?!

That everything that he believed about his mother could've been a lie..

All these thoughts kept her awake until the early hours of the morning when she couldn't keep her eyelids open anymore, she squeezed herself next to Samar, holding on to him as gently as she could

The idea of someone out there who wants him dead other than Jay gave her chills all over her body

She wanted to be by his side at all times..

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