Chapter 38

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The next morning

I wake up to me being alone in bed, I head down stairs in my underwear to see where Jack was. I go and I find him making breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning sleeping beauty", he said looking at me. Good morning, I smile at him and move closer to give him a kiss. "I was going to take breakfast up to the bedroom but I didn't expect you to wake up so early", he said grabbing my cheek. Well what can I say the smell woke me up I just had to come and see, I said taking a bite of one of the pancakes he had made. "I went to buy you some clothes so when we leave you dont have to wear your wedding dress", he said giving me a plate full of food. Thank you, thank you for everything, I said and gave him a kiss.
We ate and as soon as we finished I went to take a shower and changed into the clothes Jack had bought me. I would love to stay here for a bit longer but both of us needed answers and it couldn't wait...


The car ride was a bit long, but not as I remembered it. We arrive at my house and I see Max's car parked outside the house. I felt heartbroken again but I had to be strong to confront Max and be able to get the answers I needed. "You ready?", Jack said holding my hand. Yes, I said getting out of the car and head to the door. I open the door and walk in seeing Lexi, Max, and Johnson all sleeping in the sofa. "Oh my God your here your alive", I see Lexi wake up by the noises. "Don't ever scare me like this ever again" She comes and hugs me so tight. I'll tell you what happen later, I whisper into her ear and she nods. I see Max starts to move and as soon as he sees me stands up and runs towards me. "Babyyy oh my God where were you, we were so worried about you", he said coming closer to me, but I stop him from hugging me. I need to talk to you in private, I said to him emotionless. "Um okay baby what ever you say", and we head to the sofas, and both Lexi and Johnson leave to their room. Jack comes in after calling Isabella to come to the house too. "what is he doing here?" Max asks. I told you we needed to talk and this involves Jack too, I said sitting down. I know what you are doing Max your little game you've been playing is over, I said looking at him. "what do you mean little game, I haven't been playing nothing" he said. Don't try denying that you been cheating on me for a while now and that you been cheating on me with non other than Isabella, I said and as good timing Isabella shows up. "What about me" she said casually. That you are the one that is cheating on Jack with Max, I said looking at her. You could see her expression dropped as soon as I said that. "what" she said with a trying to be confused look. "Emory you don't know what your saying I don't even know Isabella", Max said. You sure because I got proof and it clearly shows you two holding hands and another one of you two kissing, try denying that you piece of sh*t, I said getting angry. "Emory trust me, I don't know her and I don't know where you got those from", he said standing up. Okay fine if your not lying you wouldn't have a problem taking a DNA test right, I said crossing my hands. "A DNA test for what Emory", he said getting closer, making me feel a bit powerless. I shake that feeling of and try to speak in the best voice I could.  To prove your innocence and check really who the father of the baby girl is really, Jack or you. "WHAT" both Jack and Max said outloud. And then I remembered I hadn't told Jack my theory. Lets go, I said I walking to the door.
Jack follows me but I see Max and Isabella stay behind. I go back inside to see them arguing about something. Woaw woaw woaw are ya talking about how this little game of yours is about to be destroyed huh, I said. "Emory", Max said but I cut him off.  LETS GO I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY, I yelled and made sure they got in the car to go to the hospital to take those DNA tests. We walk in and get the DNA tests done and after  the tests I see Jack and Isabella talking/arguing, and Max in another corner on his phone. Part of me really hopped it was Max's so I could really prove that It was her the one he was cheating with, but if it is Jacks I wouldn't have any proof of Max being with her. We told the specialist to try to make the results as soon as posible since we by we is Jack and me wanted to know as soon as possible the results. They told us that they should have them ready by the end of the day so we just needed to wait...

3 hours later

The specialist comes back with a big envelope, "Are you all ready to hear the results?", he said. "Yes", I blur out. Okay so in the case of Jaden the biological father is Mr. Max Anderson. I.. I... I was right, I feel my anxiety levels go up, my hands started to shake it almost felt as I was seeing everything in slow motion. I didn't think It could be, I see Jack furious and yelling at Isabella and Max. I see Max get ready to fight him when Jack goes in 1st and punches Max in the face. At that point I knew I needed to step in because I've seen these two fight and its not pretty.  STOP!!!, I said getting between them two. "Get out of the way Em, I want to give this mother f*ckr a piece of my mind", Jack said furious. NO IM NOT MOVING PLEASE LISTEN TO ME LOOK AT ME, I said making him look at me. Your better than this please, I said giving him a look that I knew he wouldn't be able to say no to. "Ugh", Jack said backing out and walking out of the hospital. "Emory", Max started but I didn't let him. NO don't Emory me, I'm done with you for good now I dont know why I ever thought of giving you a second chance or I don't even know how many chances I gave you, I said trying not to cry. "Em..", he tried to say but again I cut him off. No Max this is it I don't ever want to see you again, don't come looking for me don't text me call me nothing, you have a child and Isabella. If I were you I would take responsibility for them, since you before gave that job to Jack involuntarily, I said and walked away.

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