Chapter 12

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"If u thought the last chapter was boring hopefully this one won't be boring :)"


While Max was out I decided to clean, i think everyone forgot we were going to clean up or on purpose they did it so I would get to clean it all. I was half way done when I heard the door open, i stuck my head out the kitchen and saw it was Max. "I'm here", Max said while me stating at him. Um i think i can see that already, i said half laughing. "Hmm really, u sure?", he said walking to me laughing. "Let's see if u see this coming", he said grabbing me and spined me around. OMG Max, i said laughing. He puts me down and i hit him lightly in the shoulder. "Wow what was that for", he said shrugging. Just cuz i wanted, i smiled and handed him a broom. "Now what's this for". So u can help me clean duh, I'm not going to finish if u don't help me. "Ok fine just because I'm super nice"...
After a while we finished, everything was in its place and the floors were shining. It was barely 4 and I was already wanting to go to sleep again. "Hey want to go get some fast food, I'll let you pick?", Max said hugging me from behind. Um suree i guess we could go, if u are paying, i said smiling. "Well duh I'm paying, it's what the guy is supposed to do". Ohh ok then let's go. We got in the car and I decided to go to an Burger King so we had to drive a bit more. When we got there, there were some people but it wasn't full. We ordered our meals and went to look for a table. "Lady's 1st", Max said pulling the chair and helping me to it. Awe such a gentleman, i said laughing. He leaves his soda and phone on the table an left to grab the food. Meanwhile I checked on Instagram (on my phone) and i heard his phone vibrate i saw him still at the line and picked it up it was an unknown #, well he didn't have it on contacts. "Heyyyy babe.." Hello, I said interrupting. "Heyy", the girl said. (Knowing by the voice). Who's this?, i asked confused on why she said babe. Is this um"... I heard a pause and then she continued, "..Mark??" Um nope wrong number I said and she hanged up. I left his phone back were it was and I looked up to see if he was almost getting the food, which he was still waiting. I continued looking through Instagram. 'What if she was calling for Max', 'She did hesitate a lot for the name', ' Like cmon do u really call someone and then be like oh wait who the heck am i calling let me think', 'Also she said Mark, Mark and Max are familiar', All these random thoughts came into my head, which is really weird because I'm not a jealous girl. I saw Max coming with our food and i put down my phone. "Food is readyy", he said smiling. I smiled back and grab my food. While eating i kept thinking how to tell him a girl called his # asking for Mark but wat if meanwhile trying to say it is come off too annoyed or I don't know. "Baby?", Max said looking at me, and popping my bubble of though. What?? "Nothing just that u seemed distracted and haven't eaten". Oh yea I'm sorry, oh and hey they called your phone when you were away, i said trying to not make any eye contact. "Oh really who was it" Um idk a girl, i said and looked up at him. He did an expression as if he was worried and then looked at his phone. But it was a wrong number, she was asking for Mark , I said taking a bite of hamburger. "Ohh ok" he said an place his phone back on the table and we ate.
The table was quiet while eating i really didn't feel good so I kinda didnt wanted to talk and Max, we'll Max didnt really knew what to say as i was just looking at my food and eating. After we finished we went back to the car to go home. I was tired all I wanted to do was sleep. I got in and got comfortable and felt like falling asleep as the ride was not that close. I felt I was almost falling asleep when I saw these big lights coming towards my window, I thought it was me dreaming until I opened my eyes and saw a big truck coming like 60 mph towards the car. I grab on and we take the hit...

Ima leave the chapter there, if u want to see what happens next I'll probably start writing it rn so probably be out tomorrow idk.
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