Chapter 2

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"I'll just go into the story lol hope ya like it"


"Um let's see, what do u want to help me with", Katherine said. Um well what ever u need help with, I said and smiled. "Ok then could u help me put up the tables and the arrangements" she said walking into a big room with nothing in it. Wow this is a big ass room, I said as walked in behind her. "Yea it is", she said and we started to work...

Wow that was easy I said sitting down in one of the chairs. "Yes it was and it was only because I got ur help, I bet if I would of done it by myself I would still be running around", she said laughing. Yea true, what time are they coming? I asked curiously. "Well they said their plane landed at 3" I looked at my phone seeing it was 2:28. Um well its 2:28 right now, I told her. "Oh ok, could you do me a favor Emory", she said. Um sure wat is it? "Could you go and pick them up from the airport, its cause I still need to do some foods for the party". Um sure but I have no idea how ur son looks like, I said standing up. "Well I wouldn't blame you u haven't seen him in years, I remember your mom and me hanging out while ya were little. She said smiling. "But i think he told me he and his friend had matching hoodies, if not I'll call him to tell him look for you ok", she said smiling. Ok Mrs Gilinsky I said walking out of the room. "Really Emory?" She said and I turned around. What? Did I do something? I said looking confused. "You called me Mrs Gilinsky again, I told u darling you can call me Katherine", she said giving me her hand. Oh well I feel like I'm being rude if I say just Katherine, I said grabbing her hand. "Well don't I don't find it rude so please call me Katherine ok, u make me feel older if u say Mrs, she said smiling. Oh ok then got that clear Katherine, I said smiling. Oh and could I take your car I got a ride from my house here, I said shyly. "Of course your like a daughter to me so go ahead, she said and I walk out. I walked to the car and headed to the airport. The airport was like 30 minutes to an hour from here and it was almost 3 so I had to hit the gas which wasn't a problem for me...
I got there and saw millions of people, so I started to panic, I stood close to were Katherine had said they were coming out. I waited a few min and people then started to come out (or should I say in) I watched carefully and tried to look for a guy that looked like a 19 year old boy, well two boys. I felt weird just standing there, many people that where waiting for family or friends were all almost gone. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I kinda got freaked out, I turn around and see 2 boys. One was dark haired and the other was blond haired... "Um are you Emory?", the darker hair guy said. Um yes I said smiling. "Ok well I'm Gilinsky, Jack Gilinsky, and this is my friend Jack Johnson" now i know that it was Gilinsky talking. Wait ya are both named Jack? I said surprised. "Yea but u can call us by last name so it won't get confusing like Gilinsky and Johnson" Gilinsky said. Ohh ok hey its random but weird ya two have the same name but me and Johnson have the same last name, I said smiling. "Really" Johnson said smiling widely. Yea my last name is Johnson too, but enough of the chat we need to go back to your moms house. I said and walked back to the car knowing they would follow. The ride was smooth they talked some while I was driving and sometimes they would include me in the talk depending on what they were talking about. We got to Katherines house at around 4 - 4:30 (I didnt check the time lol) I parked and saw some cars outside that weren't there when I 1st went. We got out and entered the house Katherine hugged them both and I just stood there again like a weirdo. After they left Katherine came over. "Thank you so much Emory your the best, stay with us and have fun because the party is going to be a good one", she said smiling. Oh thanks but let me go change because I look ratchet right now so I'll be back, and could I bring two people with me I asked curiously. "Yes you don't even have to ask darling". Ok thanks , I said and called an uber to take me back to my place.

Not a good place to stop but its 3:00am. Goodnight hope ya like it.
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