Chapter 35

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Its been the most stressing 7 months I've ever been thru, but I also have the most supportive fiancé. I been running around trying to get the invitations ready and sending them. Attending fittings for the dress, trying flavor cakes, and many other things. But at this point I can kinda relax, everything major was already taken care of and now I just have to wait for that November 10 to come, which was only 3 months away. I recently have been spending all my time at Max's house, but I've  heard Lexi and Johnson say that Jack moved out of the house to go take care of Isabella since shes almost due, and I'm happy for them. Its good to see that everyone is moving on.

2 months later... 

I woke up to my phone ringing, the ID caller said it was Johnson, I looked at my phone confused why would he be calling so late at night, my mind immediately went to something wrong must have happen, I thought.
Me: Hey whats up Johnson
Johnson: Hey Em sorry to bother you too late at night but Jack and Isabella are heading to the hospital right now her water broke, I just wanted to let you know in case you came to the house and wondered where we are because me and Lexi are headed that way too.
Me: Ohh okay thank you Johnson
Johnson: Well ill let you sleep now okay bye.
Me: okay bye.
After that I feel back to sleep. In the morning I woke up to Max not being in bed, It was weird since he mostly always wakes up after me. I walk down to the kitchen me expecting him to be there and nope nothing I walk to the living room and nothing again. I look outside and see his car wasn't there. I wondered where he had gone, specially since he didn't tell me he was leaving somewhere. I go back upstairs and look at my phone and see no notification from Max but I see 1 from Lexi...
Lexi: Hey girly, just wanted to tell you I'm at the hospital with Jack and Johnson because of Isabella.
Me: Hey and yeah Johnson called me last night to tell me.
Lexi: Oh okay just making sure you knew
Me: Hmm you sure that was all
Lexi: Okay fine I wanted to tell you they had a baby girl and she's so cute and has blue eyes
Me: Blue eyes??
Lexi: Yea blue eyes, almost like Max's.
Me: Woaw thats surprising
Lexi: I know Johnson also was like ?? But he didn't stay quiet and asked Isabella
Me: Really?!?
Lexi: Yea he got suspisous
Me: What did she say
Lexi: She said that her dad and grandfather have blue eyes and it runs in the family
Me: Woaw thats cool
Lexi: Yea, so that calmed Johnsons worries
Me: Yea, did Jack even say anything about it
Lexi: No, he was too happy to even notice and we didn't tell him anything either
Me: ohh thats good
Lexi: Yea
Me: Well I got to go I'll text you later
Lexi: Okayy byee
Me: Byee
I opened Max's chat and I started to type
Me: Hey bae where are you at??
I waited for a while and he responded..
Max: Sorry baby I got called in to work for something, I didn't want to wake you up since it was early and I didn't get to send you a message earlier.
Me: Its okay, I was just wondering where you where, I'll let you be then see you when you get home, love you
Max: I love you too bye
Me: Byee

1 month later...

Today was the day before my wedding, I moved all the things I needed to my house so that I could get ready with Lexi and so that Max didn't get to see me before the wedding. My nerves and anxiety were finally hitting me. Everyone was going to be there my parents, aunts, uncles my brother and girlfriend ( I know right waaaatttt he got a girlfriend, my ugly brother waaatt ) and friends ( yeah I invited Jack and Isabella too for those asking... and yes they RSVP to coming) and Lexi and Johnson my bridesmaid and my man of honor. "Your gonna be so gorgeous tomorrow, I can't wait I'm super duper excited!!!!", Lexi said helping me unpack everything I had brought. I know I know my excitement is over the ruff, I just need a relaxing shower to calm the nerves and a good night sleep. "Okay I'll let you be, I'll be in my room if you need anything", she said heading to the door and closing it after wards. I headed to the bathroom to take a shower, the water was making me really relaxed and making me loosen up. After the shower I put on a face mask and go watch Netflix. The mask was really helping me relax and after a while I took it off and cleaned my face and went to sleep because I had a very important day tomorrow.


The excitement was over the roof, I had began getting ready for the wedding. Lexi was helping me since I know I could use a hand. The makeup artists/stylist were going to be here anytime soon, I could have done my makeup but I wanted an extreme makeup look that I know I wouldn't be able to do, especially when I'm nervous as hell. The make up artist took 30 min while the stylist took the other 30 min, so after an hour I was ready to get in my dress and do final touches. The dress  was wonderful I loved it as soon as I tried it on at the boutique. The wedding was in 3 hours but we needed to go a bit early from here because of traffic and because the car ride they said was about an hour or so just to be more safe and not be late..
After a while I walked down stairs in my dress Lexi was going to go with Johnson in their car and I had a limousine, not my choice Max wanted it I guess. Lexi helped me get in and then closed the door. I saw them get on their car and start to drive off, we soon after start to move and follow them...

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