Chapter 16

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"Its been long since last update but here it is Hope you like it"


I haven't seen Emory for about a month now, her brother Ray told me I should wait and maybe with time passing she would be able to forgive me.
I been waiting inpatient just be able to see her and talk to her. I headed to my car and started to drive to her house. I took the fastest route and in minutes was almost there. When approaching her house I saw her and that guy kissing. I saw them go inside and I got out of the car. I got furious seeing them kiss, but that just made me want to get her back, and see him suffer. I knocked on the door and waited. "What are you doing here?", Emory said with an attitude. Wow nice welcome, I see you have changed back to being mad at me, I said lightly smiling. "I don't want to see you ever again, don't you understand, you 1st treat me like a piece of sh** and then you cheat on me the next day after we fought." What are you talking about? "Oh now your acting like you don't know what I'm talking about, don't you dare deny it." She said furious. "Emory are you ok", the guy said coming to the door. You stay out of this, I said to the guy (Gilinsky). "Why would I, huh? I do care about Emory not like you." Who says I don't care about her, I said starting to get pist. "Well you can clearly tell, who would care about someone and treat them wrong, huh!?" He said, and I pretended to not hear. Emory can we talk, in private, I said giving him a look. "For what, huh so you scream at me again or try to twist stuff up," She said. No c'mon please, let me explain, I said going inside. "What no, no go out ur not allowed here, she said pushing me but it was worthless. Please I'm asking peacefully just let me explain myself. "Your never going away if I don't let you explain yourself right", she said. Yep, not leaving till you hear my explanation. "Ugh"she said rolling her eyes. "Come in and I'll give you 5 min that's it then you leave, so start talking", she said crossing her arms. Ok well I'm so sorry of how I acted on the day of the party, I was drunk as hell that I barely remembered the day after what had happened. I didn't mean to do anything or say anything mean. So please forgive me. "We will see but that doesn't explain why I saw you in the Fair with a girl, holding hands." What??!? When?! I said. "Why do you keep doing that if you know what I'm talking about idiot". Woah woah calm down, I remember the only time I went to the Fair was with my cousins, I said lying. (Max's thoughts) I knew if I told her the truth I won't be able to get her back, and I can't easily just give up so she can go to that other guy. "Hmm so your saying that was your cousin? The girl you holded hands with was your cousin?" Yep, i said lying. You see babe you just needed to hear me out everything was just a little misunderstanding. "Well yea, but I still want some time just to process things out and then we will see what comes", she said. Yea babe I understand, now I'll leave ya, so glad we could clear this up babe truly, I said heading to the door. "Yea, ok bye". Bye I said and walked out of the house.


Max had just left and I just couldn't stop thinking on how I jumped to conclusions really fast. "Hey" I left my thoughts and turned around, G was standing there just looking at me. Hey whats up? "Nothing are you ok?" Yea, I'm just a little confused, I think just with time I'll know what's right. "Are you still considering giving him another change?!?" Maybe I don't my thoughts aren't clear yet. "You wouldn't have to have your thoughts right, he treated you wrong you should just end it with him he's not the right guy". And what you are? You can't tell me what to do its my life, your pointing fingers at him when your acting like an ass right now. "I'm just saying I don't want you to get hurt". Well that my choice if i want to or not, I said and headed upstairs. "Hey guys what's going on?" Johnson said. Not the right time Johnson, I said and slammed my bedroom door. I couldn't think I was confused, I jump into bed and just grabbed a pillow. I started to think and think that I started to feel tired and fell asleep...

Hours later...

"Emory?" I heard while still half asleep. "EMORY?!?" I opened my eyes to see Lexi standing in the door. What? Can't I take a nap now? "What do you mean a nap, you've been asleep for almost a day, you need to get up". What a day, but it feels like I barely slept. "Well you did so now get ur ass up and let's go eat". Ugh do I have to?? I didn't really want to interact with people right now. "Too bad were going to eat and it's set".
Ugghhh, I whined but I knew that wouldn't change things, so I got up got dressed and headed downstairs. Let's go then I'm ready. "Yay Em you decided to finally come down from your room", Johnson said smiling. Yea, but someone made me come down, I said giving a look to Lexi. "Hey she wouldn't be here right now if I wouldn't have gone and taken her out of there", Lexi said. "Its good tho Em it's good to have you join us", Johnson said smiling. Thanks J. In my head I was thinking where was G, was he coming too or was it just us 3.

Well it's been long time since the last update Ik I took some time off bc of school and stuff but I'm back and hopefully I can update tomorrow I'm hoping.
Hope ya liked it


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