Chapter 20

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:) enjoy..


What?? I said turning around and smiling. "I said what are you doing?" G said looking a bit annoyed. Um well you see I was looking for u, I said and smiled. Wow your great at lying, great you came up with the perfect excuse just great, not awkward at all.. I thought to myself while smiling. "And grabbing the knob?" Well what I knocked and you didnt answer so I wanted to see if you were there or not, I said facing him. "Why where you even looking for me huh?" He said crossing his arms. Um think of something quick, quick to see if you wanted to eat out with the 4 of us tonight? I said. "Well I got plans tonight so no", he said walking into his room and shut the door. Wow, what's up with him now.. I thought... "Heyyy Emy we're back and with a lot of stuff", Lexi said walking with some bags and Johnson with more bags behind her. Wow did you bring the whole store to the house?, I said in a jokey way. "Um kinda maybe I don't know", she said laughing. "It feels like we did to be honest", Johnson said putting the bags down. "Awee babe I'm sorry I made you carry all those bags" Lexi said hugging him "its okay anything for my queen", he said and gave her a kiss in the forehead. Awe ya cute as hell #couplegoals I said. "Guess what I brought you, I bet your going to love everything" Well how much did you bring me?? "Well not a lot but a few stuff", she said bringing me 3 bags full of stuff. (Up top) Wow Lexi.. "Okay time for u to go try them on and see if u like them, let's go", she said grabbing my arm and dragging me up the stairs into my room. Well I guess I have no other choice right? "Nope, so go go try the 1st outfit in the 1st bag",she said sitting down in my bed. Okay brb..
Tada, I said and come out of my restroom. "Wow do u like it??" Yesss I love it, it was a beautiful skirt with a cute top with scarf and short high heal boots. "Now the 2nd outfit" she said giving me another bag. Okay okay.. I changed and came back out, how's this? "Wow looks good", she said clapping. I like it its casual but not that fancy. It was some ripped jeans and a cute top with a choker. "Last but not least the grand finale", she said giving me the 3rd bag. I go and change, and I'm amazed. It was an amazing gorgeous long tight red dress that defined my curves. I come out and smile widely. "Wow wow wow, exactly how I thought it would fit you, you look amazing.", she said. I love it love it so much. "I'm glad you did" she said standing up "well ima go get my stuff and make room for it", she said walking to the door. Wait Lexi.. "What, what's up!" Well something happens this morning.. "What?" She said coming back and sitting back down. Well like yesterday we didnt see G right so this morning I went to see if he was in his room and at that same time he caught me almost opening his room. I told him we were going out today to eat. So could we do that?, he's not joining us but still in case he asked Johnson, you know, but also he seemed cold like I don't know like he didnt care I just felt the way he talked to me was different you know. "Yeah, well maybe he had a rough night or i don't know, probably didnt sleep and is cranky", she said laughing "and sure we can go eat, I'll tell Johnson" Thanks. "No problem anything for my BFF". She said and left. Well now what..
Night time..
Ya ready guys, I said walking down the stairs to find Lexi and Johnson sitting in the couch. "Yep we're ready" Lexi said. Okay then let's go. In that exact moment G comes down the stairs looking all good and walks passed me. "Hey G haven't seen you all day", Johnson said. "Yeah kinda been busy", G said. "Are u joining us??", Johnson said standing up. "Nope got a date tonight so I'll see ya later", G said and walked out. "Okay I guess, Johnson said and we all just stood there. "I get what you meant now Em". Yeah, anyways lets go guys. We drove to whataburger since its our fav and ate there. "So this guy was..." Lexi started saying but I slowly started to zone out. I wonder if G went on that date with that girl I saw him with, or could it be another one noo he's not that type of guy, well at least the one I know is not like that, I wonder why his change of mood and attitude, he feels different a bad different. I hope like Lexi said its just that he didnt have a good night or maybe bad dream anything can affect your mood, who knows.. I thought to myself while eating. "So what do you think Em?" What?? I said zoning back in and making me freak out. "About the story I was telling you." Ohh sorry I zoned out bad and I wasn't really listening, sorry. "Its okay it was just something funny you won't miss it", she said laughing. After a while we drove back home and we all went to our rooms. Today had been weird I don't know why but it just felt weird. I headed to the bathroom and showered. When I got out I randomly felt really hungry, so I decide to go downstairs and get something to eat, being careful not to wake anyone up since it was 12. I grabbed some milk and cheerios and started to eat them in the kitchen when I heard the front door opened. I didnt bother looking since I knew it would be G coming back from his date. I kept eating cereal and all of the sudden the lights go out. I quickly stand up I see a figure in the distance and I walk to it. G is that you I whisper I don't know what happens with the lights, it might been a wire or something. He said nothing, G why aren't you saying anything. In that moment I hear the door open again and that's when I start to panic.

Like I promised ❤
Hope ya enjoy it and if ya did pls like and comment what was your fav part and least fav part.

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