Chapter 32

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I couldn't believe what Jack had told me, I was in pure shock, I really thought we were going to work I guess it isn't meant to be and its better now to know than when ever we would be actually something more. I started to cry so much, I layed down hugging my pillow. Why can't I be happy, when ever something goes right or seems right theres always something at the end to ruin it and with it my happiness. I sobbed to the pillow and didn't stop until I fell asleep. I stayed in my room for I dont know how many days, I didnt feel like doing anything and I was always in my room. I heard my phone go off and I reached for it. It was Max, I didnt feel like dealing with anything but I also wanted to get out of this bed, its been so long.
Me: Hello..
Max: Hey
Me: Hi
Max: What are you doing?
Me: Um nothing, how about you?
Max: Nothing either just in the neiborhood, wanna go somewhere to eat?
Me: Um... 'I need to move on, me being here wont make thing easier and will make them harder.. I thought to myself..' ('thoughts')
Me:Sure lets go.
Max: Ill be there in 10 okay
Me: okay see u later...
I said and hanged up, I got out of my bed and walked to my restroom, I took a shower and got into some good clothes that made me feel confident. I walk out of my room and didnt hear anything, I hurried to the door trying to avoid everyone were ever they would be. I was turning to the door when I see Gilinsky, I had to see him for God's sake ahhhh.. My eyes widen when I almost bump into him I literally backed up as soon as I saw him, I didn't say anything I just go around him and out the door. I saw Max's car outside I got on and sit down. "Hey how are you" he said smiling. Im good thanks for asking I lied, how about you? "I been okay, I've missed you", he said. I've missed you too, I didnt know if I was lying or just all the emotions from everything came to me. When we got to the restaurant, he opened the car door and as soon as he did I stood up and hugged him so tight I wanted to cry so bad. He hugged me back so tight that made me feel so secured I really wanted to cry. I let go after a while and he looks at me with a worried look. "Whats wrong?", he said staring at me. Nothing, nothing lets go eat I said trying to smile, I grab his hand and we walk in.
I really wanted this to work out...
After dinner we get to his car and we start driving home, but deep down I didnt want to go their just thinking of going in a having to see Gilinsky makes my heart ache. He was about to turn to my street when I grab the wheel and pull it the other way. "What are you doing Emory!", he said panicking. I dont want to got home!!, I said. "Why", he said getting the car back to normal. I just don't want this night to end I want to spend more time with you, I said looking at him. "Ohh okay where you want to go?"  Lets go to your house, I smiled. "Okay my house it is". His house wasn't that far from mine, so it wasn't much of a drive time. When we got there I get out before he can even get to my side and I give him a smile. He looks at me and starts smiling too. "Why are you doing that, huh", he said moving closer to me. I don't know maybe I just wanna smile, do you have a problem with that? I start moving towards the front door and he keeps  walking towards me. He opens the door and we both go in, he closes the door and I go at him kissing him, he kisses me back I hadn't kissed him in a long time it felt like forever. But it felt the same the same old days. We made our way to the bedroom and started to go crazy I unbutton his shirt and kiss him harder, he then kisses me on the neck and starts to pull up my shirt. And you get where this is going...
Next moring
I wake up hugging some wonderful abs, I see Max is still sleeping and slowly move. Now that I think about it Jack was the cause of everything, everything was fine before he showed up we were happy no major fights nothing. He then had to come and ruin evertging, seriously the first day he came he ruined my life I was so happy, I thought to myself while I stared at the ceiling. "Goodmorning babe", he says while moving closer to me and giving me a kiss. Good morning, what are we doing today? I said with enthusiasm. "Um well I don't know what ever my babe wants to do", he said while getting up. Well what if we go to the movies, I said getting up as well. "Sounds good babe, wanna join me? he said while heading to the shower. Sure, I smile and wink at him...

We decided on going with a horro/comedy type of movie,  knowing me I love horror movies. The movie was funny and after it we headed to the mall that was near it we walked around looking at things and getting Ice cream since why not right. After a while Maxs phone rings I think its someone elses but I see him pull it out and he lets go of my hand. "I have to take this its work I'll be back okay babe, he game me a kiss in the forhead and he walked away.

Phone call:
Unknown: So..?
Max: I think its time...
Unknown: Finally, do it right and dont mess it up...

Hope you liked the chapter ♡
Sorry I take long to update its cuz I get lazy and also Im afraid of messing it up.
Ill try to finish it !!


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