Chapter 31

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We got back home from having the funnest time of our lives. Jack parks his car and we stay still for a second. "So that was fun wasn't it?" He said. Yea it was, the sad part is that it had to end, I said looking down at my hands. "Em don't do this, cheer up we'll do more stuff together, promise" he said getting  my chin and turning my hard to face him. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. " Oh I know what will make u happy" he said leaning in and giving me a kiss. I closed my eyes and went with the kiss. We got out of car and he grabbed me from my waist which made me laugh a little I open the door and we walk in. As soon we walk in I see Isabella sitting in the sofa on her phone, I immediately stop laughing and pull of Jacks grip. I barely made it out of his arms to when she turned to us. Oh hi, ill leave ya alone, I said and I walked away. I didnt like that, I knew he was still with her I shouldnt have let him kiss me or grab me or anything,  I thought while going up the stairs.
"We need to talk" Isabella told Jack.. Yea we do need to talk he said. I hear them while going up. I feared this since I knew Jack was going to break it off with her and I dont know how she'll react to it. I went to my room and closed my door, as much as I wanted to hear what they talked about I knew it was wrong...


"We need to talk", Isabella said. Yea we do need to talk, I said sitting down. "Um I don't know how to start", she said trying to not make eye contact. Well I dont know what your gonna tell me, I said looking at her. "JACK IM PREGNANT", she blurted out and started to cry. What?!?! I said not thinking, I was completly shocked. I went over to her and sat next to her to hug her. I holded her while she cried, she was shaking and just out of control. Its okay Isa well get thru this together, I told her rubbing her arm. "Jack I'm so sorry this wasnt suppost to happen. I thought we were safe but I guess we weren't safe enough", she said while sobbing. Everything will be okay, I promise I grab her hand and kiss it. Lets go upstairs so you can rest Im not letting you leave in this condition, I said getting her up and walking her to my bedroom. I let her sleep in my bed and stayed there while she fell asleep. I waited until she was fully asleep to get out of the room and walk to Johnsons room. I knock slighly and he comes out. "Hey man, don't you think its a bit late?", he said laughing. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't something urgent, I said giving him a worrier look. "What what's wrong?", he said looking concerned. I went in and sat in his bean bag. Um well I don't know, Im so confused, Isabella just told me shes pregnant, I told him. "WHAT?!?", J said with wide eyes. I know I can't even believe it either. "Man you didn't use protection", he said. Yes I did, I would be stupid enough not to. "Well then what happend", he said still shooked. I have no idea, and thats not the worst part I was about to break it up with her since Emory finally told me she loves me and I couldn't hold back either and I confessed too. "Ohh ouch that's  gonna hit Em hard, shes gonna be devastated, and are you still planning on leaving Isabella?", he said. No not anymore knowing shes pregnant with my baby, plus I dont want that baby have to deal with separate parents. "Your doing the right thing Jack, even tho it might hurt you and Em", he said. I know I know, Im going to tell her tomorrow and I hope she takes it well, cuz it's gonna make my heart ache seeing her sad, just because of me and my stupidities. "Well hope for the best man", he said. Ima go sleep on the couch tonight since Isa is staying in my bed. "Nah bro you can stay here I'll go cuddle with Lexi I bet she won't mind, he said winking at me. Thanks man, I said as he headed out the room. I closed the door and laid down. I can't imagen how this all happend Em and me finally were about to get out time together and this happend, I'm not saying its a bad thing because I would never say the baby is a mistake. I guess its the universe is telling us that its not supost to be...
I got woken up by the sound of a text, I roll over grab my phone and open it..
Unknown: I win
Me: Huh? Whos this??
I waited but no response I shrugged it off and turned over. Im not ready to go tell Em what happend, I'm ledgit scared shes gonna be devastated, I thought as I stared at the ceiling. I get up from the bed and head to the bathroom I shower and all and by the time I get out its 9:45 AM. I knew that the quicker I tell her the easier It'll be for her to understand I head to her room with hopes that shes awake already. I knock on her door slightly and wait. "One sec", I hear her say as she then opens the door. "Hey your up early", she said smiling. Yea, couldn't sleep well.. can I come in, I said looking at her and giving her a slight smile. "Yeah come in", she said. I walk in and wait for her to come, she closes the door and sits in the bed. "Soo whats up", she said. Um I need to tell you something, I said sitting next to her.  "Okay Im all ears", she said. Umm well last nigh I was about to tell Isabella we were gonna have to break it off, but she gave me some news that changed that.. shes pregnant, I said looking down avoiding her face, I couldn't bare to see her. "Oh my God Jack, I knew this was too good to be true, us being together. I don't know what to say or what you expect me to say, so just leave me alone right now", she said. I didn't fight her on this and just walked away, I kept my head down and didn't turn around. I close the door on my way out and stay outside. I hear her start to cry making my heart ache so much.

Hope ya like it and did ya expect that to happen..??
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