• thirty six •

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He stood there looking at me for a second before speaking. "Good morning."

"Hi." I mumbled.

"You look nice."

"I'm wearing a sweatsuit."

"And? It doesn't matter what you wear, you always look nice."


"How you doing?"

I rolled my eyes, unamused by this small talk. "Did you need something Tremaine?"

"Can I take Kiara to school?"

"Sure. She's ready but she's in the bathroom right now. You could've just texted me, by the way."

"Yeah but I wanted to see you."


He sighed, "Kelz how long are you gonna keep this up?"

"I need my space." I answered indirectly.

"Baby this has gone on long enough. Whatever lesson you're trying to teach me or whatever point you're trying to make, I get it."

"No, you don't get it!" I replied, my voice raising a little bit. "It's not only about teaching you a lesson, it's also about me and how I feel. This is for my own sanity. I can't even look at you without getting pissed off cause all I can think about is how you betrayed me. I can't have that type of energy in this house."

"That hurts, Kelz."

"That hurts?! You know what really hurts, Tremaine? Having a husband who feels like he has to sneak around and do something behind my back instead of simply talking to me about it! What happened to feeling like you can tell me anything, like you said on our anniversary? Was that all a lie?"

"No, of course not! That was the truth and you know it. I just know how you get whenever Janay's name is mentioned and I didn't wanna start an argument so I never brought her situation up."

"For three months though?! Three months you've kept this from me and you never realized it was wrong?! You smiled in my face during all those FaceTime calls, came to surprise me and everything, and the whole time you was doing this shit on the side! You didn't even feel any type of shame until it started blowing up in your face."

"That's not true..."

"It is true! Just admit that you didn't start to feel guilty about this until I told you I was pregnant."

He just stood there stumped, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Kelly I swear none of this was an intention to hurt you. I didn't think —"

"Exactly. You didn't think." I interrupted. I started to walk away from him but then he grabbed onto my arm.

"Baby I don't wanna fight. Just tell me whatever you need me to do and I'll do it."

"Well right now, I need you to let go of me."


"Tremaine. Unless you want your fingers chopped off, let go of my arm."

Kiara came out of the bathroom literally just in time.

"Daddyyyyy!" she screamed as soon as she spotted Trey.

"Hey Keeks!" he said, matching her excitement. He opened his arms and she jumped into them.

"Are you coming back?" she asked innocently.

"Uh... not yet babygirl. I'm just here to take you to school."

"Oh, okay..."

"Her bag's over there." I mumbled, pointing toward the kitchen counter.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz