The soulmate chemical

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So in this fic Caitlin is Dr. Well's biological daughter she and jessie are half sisters I know that some people ship caitlin and wells and if you're one of those people you might find this weird but personally I find shipping Caitlin and wells a little weird because he is old enough to be her father

The entire conference room was abuzz Doctor Wells was late and a few people had already began to suspect that he was dead because Doctor wells was never late.

"I hear his daughter is in town" someone muttered 

"Jessie? So? She's always here"

"No his other daughter, his eldest daughter I can't remember her name"

"He has more than one daughter?" Barry said surprised

"Yeah" Felicity said nodding "it's not common knowledge though"

"I hear that he cheated on Tess with her mother and got her pregnant before they were married"

"I herd that he didn't know she existed until she was 21"

All there mumbling was silenced by an unknown woman walking in the room with a nervous smile on her face.

"She's going to tell us he's dead isn't she" came Cisco's voice in a hushed whisper from besides her

"Hi" she greated cheerily capturing everyone's attention "Doctor wells asked me to cover the first half of this meeting" 

Murmuring filled the room and she interrupted them. "I know that this is an important meeting and I'm just a stranger but I'm more than qualified to do this don't worry"

"I'm Doctor Caitlin Snow" She smiled and placed a tub on the table "and I know it's early" she glanced at her watch "7:40" she breathed "it's too early, so I bought brownies" 

Cisco reached for the box immediately and everyone gave him a funny look for being so eager "what? I didn't eat breakfast" he said helping herself.

"Anyway" she continued "I did a lot of research read nearly all of your papers on everything you've been working on just to get a feel of the crowd" she turned to Cisco with a small frown "Cisco I don't know why you didn't just see why you didn't just set your cold gun to fire in pulses because the mechanisms can't keep up with the consent stream" 

Cisco's eyes widened "that actually..." he trailed off and she could see him thinking "your right" he reached for a pen and started scribbling things down on the back of his paperwork.

"And Ronald" she turned to Ronnie "Your idea for the fire proof equipment for the fire brigade is good the only reason it didn't work was because you're using the wrong compound have you considered using a mixture then embedding your technology in the layers?"

He pursed his lips and Dr. Snow continued going around the room and giving everyone solutions to problems that they had given up on months or even years ago she truly did have a brilliant mind.

Finally she got to him last after talking to Ray about his shrink Ray.

"Doctor Allen I actually read all of your papers, they're fascinating and you have a way with words I couldn't stop reading and that artificial intelligence that you've created- Gideon I feel like your talent and creation is being wasted in STAR labs" she paused "don't tell him I said that but-" she caught sight of the time and her cheeks flushed "sorry I've spent 30 minutes telling you all how to do your jobs" 

"It's fine" Cisco was the first to assure her "really you've brought up some good points" she offered him a small smile before she sat on Doctor Well's desk.

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