(48) what destiny wants- part 2

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I have no idea where this idea came from and I'm slightly proud of it.

Warning it might sound completely stupid

"...grandma?" Caitlin breathed

No it couldn't be, her grandma was dead but this woman looked so much like her just younger.

Caitlin studied her carefully and she watched as this woman who looked like her grandmother opened her arms to her.

"Come give your grandma a hug cait" she said in such a loving voice with acompanied by a warm smile.

She did the opposite of that she took a step back and Barry took a small step forward in a protective manner.

"Y-your dead you have been for 6 years"

Her grandmother waved a hand in the air dismissively "oh don't worry I got over that"

"You- where are we?"

"Oh that's very hard to explain but I promise both of you that your extremely safe here and that there's nothing to worry about" she locked eyes with Barry "you both need to stay here for a while until we sort this little... problem out"

"We? Who's we? and what problem? Where are we? And since when was a photographed with Barry and a new born?" Caitlin asked getting more and more aggregated by the second she didn't like this she didn't know where she was and lots of weird things were going on including her dead grandma having a conversation with her.

"Just stay calm dear" she chuckled "I can't explain everything right now but I can tell you that your in destiny's limbo and that there's nothing to be worried about"

"You keep saying that but we woke up not an hour ago in a strange house in matching pajamas by a beach that is completely quiet" Barry chimed in

The older woman sighed and rubbed her temples "I need to go but I promise your both safe here as soon as we fix this you'll be back home like nothing ever happened I swear"

And with that she began to fade until she disappeared.

"So do you belive her? Do you think we're in destiny's limbo or whatever?" He asked

She sighed and her shoulder slumped "I don't know what I think, all I know is that I'm in some random house that was decorated by someone obsessed with the colour silver and silk, with a guy I've never met and yet some how there's a photo of us holding a new born" she babbled.

"Well photos can be faked I'm sure I'd know if I had a daughter"

Caitlin frowned "what makes you think she's our daughter?"

"We just...look like parents"

She tilted her head to study the photo "I guess we do"

"so are you hungry? The kitchens all stoked up and I can cook I something but if your not hungry we could just watch TV"

"Food?! We're trapped in limbo and apparently my dead grandmother put us here and your response is food?!"

"Well what do you want to do?" Barry asked in a nutrual tone knowing she was scared.

"I don't know it's not like we can do anything"

Barry put a reassuring hand on her shoulder "I don't know where we are but I belived who ever that was, we're safe"

She swolled "okay... do they have chocolate? Maybe in limbo you don't gain weight"

Barry huffed out a laugh and they went down stairs.

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