(27) in passing

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Their meeting was strange.

They met at the traffic lights. In dreffent cars.

The driver her mother had hired for her was taking her to school and she got bored of her phone so she decided to look out the widow and there he was.

They'd turn to look at each other at the same time and...

The moment she saw him she was just so...happy. it seemed like time stoped around them and that everything was just the two of them.

They were both smiling and she waved at him sheepishly through the window and he waved back.

He was cute and probably the same age as her and he was her twin flame.

She'd always thought that people were exaggerating when they said that meeting your twin flame was the greatest thing you'd ever experience next to holding your child for the first time but she thought wrong.

But of course the light turned green and the car started up again.

She panicked "can you pull the car over please?!"

Her driver shook his head "I'm sorry I was ordered to take you stright to school you know this"


"My hands are tied I can't do anything about it"

Caitlin stared out the window and watched as the car with her twin flame in pulled over.

She pressed her hand to the glass's sadly as they drove passed and she watched in the distance as he got out the car and he was probably calling after her but she couldn't hear him.

Instead she went to school and sat through every single lesson misrebally.

She'd met her twin flame that morning and she'd lost him in the space of a minuet.
2 months later

"Come on Caitlin you need to eat something" felicity urged gently

She stared at her panini blankly "...I'm not hungry" she said quietly

Her best friend sighed "Caitlin your gonna get sick"

"I'm fine"

"your clearly not fine Caitlin you have to try move on"

"I know... but I can't, I've tried felicity"

A waitress came and frowned "are you okay?" She asked Caitlin

"Broken heart" felicity supplied.

The waitress with the name tag iris nodded in understanding "chocolate cake?"

"No I just want to go home... lay down" she tried off and stared at her plate.

"My friends having the same problem he won't leave the house" the chimes above the door jingled and iris turned to see who come in "speak of the devil" she muttered

Felicity looked her friend over "chocolate cake sounds like a good idea, I'll have some to"

Iris nodded and walked back over to the counter to place the order.

Felicity sighed "do you want to talk about it?"

"My twin flames gone and all because that bastard wouldn't stop the car" she hissed "I'm probably never going to see him ever again" tears stung her eyes "I lost my twin flame"

"Oh honey I'm not going to pretend to know what your going through"

"Then stop!" Caitlin exclaimed and stood up abruptly drawing lots if attention to her self.

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