(76) Twister and Handkerchiefs?

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Caitlin was sad when she leanred what her sentance said becuase it ment she'd meet her soulmate when she was alot older, maybe around 60.

Because her sentance said

I should offer her my handkerchiefs.

That was the first thing her soulmate would think when he saw her. She didnt really think about why she would need a handachife more about the item in question. Young peolple didn't own handkerchiefs.

For Barry Allen however it was best he covered his soulmates first thoughts about him becuase they were a bit embarassing and he knew he would proably meet her in his teenage years becuase her first thoughts about him were.

I can't belive I'm getting turned on by twister.

Barry would never forget how his parents sputtered and blushed when Barry asked what 'turned on' ment.

So barry became a twister mastermind. He never lost. And he was always the one to suggest thr game at every party he went to, it was childish but it was hallurious to play while drunk.

Caitlin didn't want to be here.

But felcity had forced her into her shortest dress and pulled her out the door.

And now here they were at another collage party. Felicity was convinced she was going to meet her soulmate at a party like this becuase her soulmates first thought about her was:

She's so hot, God I love MIT college parties

Caitlin liked felicity's mark more then she liked her own her whole life Felcity had assurents she was going to get into MIT and be hot in the future.

While all Caitlin knew was she was going to need a handkerchief.

Lots of people had romatic marks like.

She has beautiful eyes.

Relax and don't trip infront of the pretty girl.

He's so unfairly handsome, how do i get myself into situations like these?

Others though were scary.

Please, please Don't look towards the dead body.

His face is so punchable.

She's like a 0.5 out of 10.

When Caitlin was annoyed by her soulmates first thoughts about her she had to remind her self he was at least being chivalrous.

Caitlin stood awkwardly in the dinning room she didn't really know anyone here and felicity had scoled her for folling her around 'like a lost puppy' so now he was stood in the dinning room pretending her cola had rum in it so no one judged her.

She sipped it slolwy and a group of people playing twister caught her attention, she hadn't played that game since she was about 11 but she'd always enjoyed it but she wasn't going to join in on this game. She wasn't that sort of person.

She stood at the end of the dinning room table tp watch the game along with a group of about 5.

Her attention was currently 100% focused on a pair of forarms. Very very nice forearms, she wasn't sure why her cheeks were burning or why she couldn't stop smiling but good God they were really nice forarms and she couldn't put into words how she felt about his perfectly scuplted biceps and they came with a nice ass.

Her eyes travled towards the guys face and her first conisous thought was 'I can't belive I'm getting turned on by twister'

The guy lost his balance and fell startling a woman and causing her to spill her drink on Caitlin.

Caitlin screeched as the cool liquid partly poured down her clevage and soaked her bra making the grey fabric kinda see through and made her dress stick to her skin.

She winced when she herd peolpe laugh but the enitre drink problem was completely forgotten when she felt the throbbing on her ribs amd she knew what that ment.

Her soulmate.

He wanted to offer her his handkerchief.

Her eyes quickly scanned the small crowned until they settled on him he was staring at her and smiling slightly he was the guy with the best forearms and biceps she'd ever seen.

They made eye contact for a few seconds before he took a few steps towards her.

"So" he began quietly and leaned into whisper in her ear "twister turns you on"

She blushed so much she was scared she was glowing. She looked down to try and hide her embarrassment and he chuckled making her look up at him.

She had to say something she was just embarrassing herself "uh- you carry a handkerchief, what are you 80?"

He smiled and took a handkerchief out if his pocket while she tried to cover her clevage well awear the liquid made the material heavy and clingy.

She swolled "I need to go clean up"

"Can I have your number first? Incase you try to run away becuase I know about your twister fetish" he teased

She blushed again ans she wasnt sure if she wanted to kiss him or slap him she stared at his chest and her eyes drifted to his biceps.

She couldn't stop looking.

He cleared his throat and when she looked up at him he was smirking. She couldn't blush anymore then she alresdy was.

"Uh right, my phone number" she stuttered and he handed her his phone and she out her number in his contacts.

"Can I give you my phone number?"

"I don't have my phone, my friend took it off me so to prevent my anti socail behaviour and do I didn't call an uber to take me home after 10 minuets, but I promise the numbers not fake"

He nodded "what's your name?"

She smiled "Caitlin"

"Barry" he replied.

Latet on she would tell him thst twister wasn't a turn on it was just watching him flex and bend over.

And latter on he'd tell her that he became a twister genius just for her and the only game he ever lost was on the day he met her becuase of the throbbing of the sentacne on his back.

Years later they tell there kids that twister is the best party game in the world and Caitlin tells their daughters to not wear clingy matiral around liquids and Barry tells their sons to always carry a handkerchief.

This is what my brain does when I can't sleep.

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