(12) 3 A.M.

762 28 4

The song has nothing to do with the story, I was just listening to it while writing.

Barry groaned as he woke up to his phone ringing he checked the time it was only 3am who the fuck was ringing him at this time in the morning.

He didn't bother checking the caller idea because he was so tired so instead of answering his phone properly he just sort of slapped his phone.

"FELICITY! Oh thank God you answered I've done something stupid."

Barry wanted to tell this clearly distressed girl that he wasn't felicity and that he just wanted to go back to sleep but he didn't because she carried on talking.

"I slept with Ronnie but that's not the worse part he told me he loved me during sex, which was horrible by the way I didn't say anything back I just waited until he was don't then went to the bathroom luckily he had fallen asleep so I got dressed and I just- I left, I can't deal with his feelings I can't even deal with my own feelings now I'm lost and it's 3am what should I do?"

Barry stared at his phone in shock for a moment his mouth hanging open he checked his caller I'D three times each time confirmed that this was an unknown number.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again "...I'm not Felicity"

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry" and with that the unknown girl who had called him at stupid O' clock in the morning hung up

he stared at his phone for a beat before putting it back on his night stand and laying back down and just as he closed his eyes.

ring... ring ring...Ring Ring..RING RING RING RING RI- (that's what my ring tone sounds like it's literally a guy saying that and getting lounder when it goes of in public it's healirous)

Barry answered his phone cutting of the annoying sound and saw once again it was the unknown number.

"Felicity! I just called this random guy and told him about my sex life"

"I'm still not felicity. I think the number in your phone changed"

"Oh... listen about what I told you I'm so sorry you didn't need to know any of that I ment to tell Felicity all that stuff"

"It's fine my best friend is female I'm used to it. Now you said your lost. Do you live in central city? I could give you directions"

"...I do live in central city. How do you know that are you a stalker?"

"You called me so I should be asking if your a stalker."

"Good point... umm so directions"

"Yeah, okay do you see any street signs?"


"Okay are you near any shops or anything important?"

"I walked past a corner shop a while ago called One stop"

"That's not very helpful there are like 30 of them here...Can't you call a taxi or something?"

"I left my purse at Ronnies and there is no way I am going back there and what would I tell them can you come pick me up from the suburbs?"

"Your in the suburbs that's a great start look for adresses on post boxes"

There was a pause then some rustling "okay ummm I'm on marshal street. So you know where that is?"

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