(103) heartbeat

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Barry sat in the police station on that cold bench just staring at his soulmate's heart beat, it was steady again a few hours ago it was crazy fast he supposed it was because he'd scared her.

He must've woken her up, like the man in the lightening had startled him awake.

His mum was gone. She wasn't coming back.

His dad was gone to accused of his own soulmates murder Barry had cried and screamed so much and that combind with the run back to his house he assumed his heart beat was so fast it had woken hos soulmate up and she must've sensed something was wrong because her heart beat sped up in worry to.

He'd done his best to calm down, for her so she could go back to sleep and she did after afew hours the steady beat assuring hin and helping him relax.

He traced the black line and looked up at the socail worker who was explaining to him what would happen next.

He never exspected to meet the girl whos heart beat was on his arm and to be honest he didn't want to, she'd given him comfort when nothing else could, he owned her everything and she didn't desserve to be burdered with all his baggage.

He wasn't exspecting her.

He was just leaving his dorm he'd only been there a week like the rest of the people on his floor he hadn't properly met any of them apart from Cisco who he had immeditly taken a liking to.

She was distracted by her phone and he was just distracted by her heart beat something had changed the black had flickered to red for second.

Then he met her.

"Oh God I'm sorry" she apologised quickly.

He was to busy staring at his soulmates heartbeat which had now turned red, this woman was his soulmate.

She must've noticed where he was looking becuase she looked down at her own wrist and natrually her heart beat sped up.

"...uh Hi" she said and he was pretty sute tears were welling up in her eyes.

He swolled and tried to fight back his own tears because this was her, his soulmate the person who's heart beat he had been periodically checking almost protectivly for as long as he could remember.

"...hi" he breathed

She smiled "I'm Caitlin"

"Barry" he replied taking her in, this was her, his soulmate.

He swolled he didn't know what to do now, he couldn't be with her he wanted to be with her so badly but he just couldn't, he was still haunted by his mothers murder and he spent his free time trying to prove his fathers innocens.

He couldn't bring his soulmate into his life.

"Hey so do you want to-"

"I'm sorry" he cut in and he realsed a shaky breath "...I can't be in your life, I'm sorry"

He watched her smile fall and he wanted to take back what he said just to bring her smile back but he knew he couldn't make her happy.

"...this is about the panic attacks isn't it?" She asked quietly

He tensed and she watched as is his heart rate sped up in panic.


"I've watched your heart beat for my entire life" she told him "I know when your not okay, and you can't lie to me and tell me that you do sports or something becuase thats no exscuse for your heart beat waking me up in the middle night or for your heart rate speeding up so much in a few seconds, you have two choices" she said slowly "we can forget the part about you trying to reject me becuase you probably think your doing this for me but I desserve a say in this" she didn't know where all the courage came from she was never really this forward but this was her soulmate and he was trying to end something before it even started "or you can just walk away" she said softly "but you can't come back"

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