(74) the algorithom

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I can't remeber if i told you but my ankle is no longer broken So thats good.

I just got through suicidal friday today. Why do I call Friday week 2 suicidal friday? you ask well I'll tell you why.

1st period- english which is okay the class is small and the teacher doesn't have her head up her arse.

2nd period- chemistry I just dont get it but the people i sit with are hilarious.

3rd period- maths. I could rant forever about hoe much i hate maths. Its the bane of my existence.

Lunch- biology intervention. (Extra biology) we do get free pizza and wedges but i still prefer having lunch with my friends.

4th period- biology all I'm going to say is thats what i spent my lunch time doing.

5th period- chemistry the teacher likes me and my friends and she's funny but I'm surrounded by idiots and boys eho think there funny.

So there it is. Week 2 Friday's. Suicidal friday. English, maths and sceince all day.

Caitlins phone chimed that all to firmillar chiming sound thwt everyone was kind of sick of now it sounded like a choir of angles all singing the same perfect note.

The algorithm was an app designed to match you up with your soulmate.

For years Caitlin had believed it was a bunch of bullshit, expensive bullshit.

You had to anwser lots of personal questions about your past, your work, your plans for the future and your sex life. Some of thr questions about sex made her blush they were questions thst she hadn't even considered before.

You had to anwser a test every day for a week before it se you up with someone then you had to do a random quiz every month so the algorithom could learn more about you.

Studies showed that on average it took a year to find your soulmate using the algorithom that cost £199.99 for a years subscription but if you met and married your soulmate within that year you got your money back one of Caitlins friends had married the first guy she met through the app after 6 months and she got her money back but the marrige eventually fell through after 15 months.

Caitlin didn't belive that the algorithom worked although felcity swore it did becuase it lead her to Oliver who she believes is her soulmate.

Caitlin had already met one guy through the app, his name was mark and he was nice thry went for dinner and a movie but he screamed like little girl at all the scary bits and wouldn't stop talking about athletes foot through dinner so it was safe to say she still thinks the app is a bunch of bullshit.

The only reason she was still using it was becuase it was exspensive.

"Well aren't you going to check it?" Felicity asked excitedly thet were standing in the longest line ever at Jitters and Caitlin was seriously considering just going to star bucks from now on.

She rolled her eyes "sure" she opened thr app and pressed on thr profile it had recommended.

The thing about the algorithom that dhe did like was that it didn't provid a picture of thr person you'd been paired with so there was no reason to be all self conscious, you couldn't compare your self to that person and you couldn't pick a date on appearance alone.

All it offered you was there profile which included a description of what they looked like, age, full name and fun facts about them that they'd written themselves and finally your percentage match.

She and mark were a 78% match.

Felicity and Oliver were a 93% match.

You were only given one match at a time and there was a 2-20 day period inbetween matches depending on your profile and the availability of matches.

The app also stopped you from googling the person you had been given before you met them it also included back ground checks on each person so if thet weren't safe they weren't registered with the algorithom. This made Caitlin feel safer knowing that she wouldn't be matched up with a psychopath.

"Whats it say?" Felicity asked egarly.

"Nothing, its still loading"

The first thing to pop up was the pecentage, Her eyes widened slightly "oh"


Felcity looked down at her phone to and practically squealed "Caitlin! This is amazing, open the profile"

She did and her eyes scimmed the page "so he's my age, brown hair green eyes and he litrally put he has no life"

"Yes. Marry him" felicity said flatly "you don't have a life either"

She rolled her eyes "his names bar- Bartholomew? Is that how you say it? Bartholomew Henry Allen. the algorithom thinks my soulmates name is bartholomew" she read the name "thats a posh name, maybe he goes by Bart?"

Felcity nodded "probably, Bartholomew" she grinned "imagine saying that in bed" her voice turned raspy "oh Bartholomew" she batted her eyelashes and giggled "just like t-"

Caitlin blushed furiously and put her hand over Felcitys mouth "shut up" she hissed "people are staring"

Felicity laughed even more "oh Bartholomew you-"

"I go by Barry actually" A voice said from directly behind them in the que.

Caitlin choked on nothing and Felicity stoped laughing and caitlin looked at her friend mortifide and she refused to turn around to face Barry.

"Caitlin Snow?"


She cringed and bit her lip, this wasn't happening. She was blushing so much it felt lime her face and neck was on fire.

"...no?" She manged to say still not looking at him.

"Yes" Felicity said pulling at Caitlin's shoulders and turning her to face Barry but she stared at his chest instead of his face "your not ignoring a 99%"

"98.4%" Caitlin shot back "98% you round down"

Thr blonde rolled her eyes "I'm going to go over here" she gestured to somewhere behind her 'talk to him' she mouthed.

"I-I uh- I'm sorry about her, she's probably clinically crazy" she joked

Barry smiled and studied her "so... 98%"

She blushed slightly and nodded "yup, that's what it says"

Barry shifted awkwardly and swolled "if this is too forwaed then I completely understand, but would you like to go on a date on saturday? I know it's ti forward isn't it? I just- the algorithom will plan our date and everything but we since we're doing things a little backwards I kinda figured- if you don't want to then-"

"Barry" she intruppted with a smile "yes"

"Oh, right okay so saturday- wait you were saying yes to the date right? You weren't saying yes to no"

Ahe shook her head slightly and grinned "Bartholomew Henry allen" he cringed at the use of his full name "I would love to go on a date with you on Saturday" she said amusement lacing her voice.

So that's it.

Been thinking about thia for a long time and my brain just kinda spat this out. I enjoyed writing it.

The others i have been working on have turned into novels. I can't help it.

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