(87) I loved and I loved and I lost you

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A sort of it is set in the past before the American civil war so there is black slavery but its barely mentioned.

Prostitution is implied.

So this idea came to me in my history class while listening to this song. I have a mock exam on the Normans tommrow so let's just say this is a bit of revison.

(The beginning is inspired by this piece of text, I just took a picture becuase why not)

Education 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Caitlin ran as fast as she could to the battle field, she had to get to him. Her husband.

She searched through the dead bodies the strech of blood was heavy and she almost tripped over a amputated arm.

Her shoes were caked with mood and blood along with the bottom of her dress she froze when she saw him.

"Bartholomew" she breathed and rushed over to his side and knelt on his blood "wake up!" She cried shaking him "come on my love, open your eyes"

Her body shook with sobs as she hugged his dead body to her chest how had this happened? What had gone wrong in her life? Did she really desserve this?

Her questions were silenced when a blade impaled her and she fell dead with her husband still in her arms.

2nd life

"Katharina!" Her father bellowed "you will marry the Earl and I will hear no further objections from you!"

She bowed her head in obedience "yes father"

"Go get dressed he'll be arriving soon"

Caitlin followed her slave to her room where she was laced into the dress her mother had picked out for this occasion, her hair was curled and pinned until she was presentable to enough to meet the Earl.

She was escorted to the dinning room by her father where the Earl was waiting.

He turned to her the moment he saw her and there was something in those green eyes that just said...


"Lady Katharina" he greeted and kissed the top of her hand "it's a pleasure to meet you"

She smiled lightly and a blush spread from her cheeks to her neck "E- Earl Allen the pleasure is mine"

3rd life

This was the only way she could make a living, and men liked her body. They enjoyed small pretty obident things.

Like her.

Her latest client had been violent and rough but it was nothing she couldn't handle, it was her job after all and had been since she was 16.

Now here she was 3 years later and she was very dizzy, so dizzy she just need a small res-

It was so warm. Caitlin hadn't been warm in a long time she hadn't been this comfortable in an even longer amount of time.


She startled awake and her eyes took in her surroundings she scrambled to the corner and her back pressed against the cool stone of the wall.

"Oh, your awake thats good but I still think you should sleep for a little longer"

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