(16) you'll bleed just to know your alive

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The song is called Iris but It has nothong to do with anyone called iris I just herd it on the radio for the first time like an hour ago and it's very relevant to this story so please do listen to it, its very good.

SELF HARM IS IN THIS STORY SO YOU'VE BEEN WARNED...I don't know why people do it fully because I've never done it so if I'm wrong just ignore me I only go off what I've herd...

Caitlin stared at the bruise on her thigh way couldn't her soulmate just walk in a stright line and not into things? she was going to get funny looks in PE now it was bad enough when her parents saw the cuts on her ankle and sat her down and asked her if she was self harming and if she needed to go see a therapist.

It was sweet that they were worried for her and she understood why her connection with her soulmate was strong and she often felt, his strong emotions and would randomly start crying but they still didn't belive her when she told them it was her soulmate and now she had therapy sessions every Saturday afternoon.

Caitlin couldn't help but wish she was there for her soulmate because he was clearly depressed she knew that he'd try and stop himself because he knew, he wasn't only hurting himself but she knew he was struggling sometimes she could feel it but only sometimes...she felt pure sadness and loneliness inside of her which she knew wasn't her's.

Sometimes she'd try and sooth him by tracing the faded lines on her ankle when she knew he couldn't take it anymore so she'd pull her legs up to her chest and draw invisible patterns on her skin you couldn't always feel your soulmate's touch on your skin but when you could it was the ghost of a touch and very light but it was still there.

Caitlin didn't hate him she knew he didn't want to be doing it but he couldn't help it because of all the raw emotions raging inside him... she felt them sometimes... and there are no words to describe how upset and depressed he felt.

He rarely cut himself and for that she was great full because she didn't like the feeling of a sharp object slicing her skin and then watching the blood pour from the cuts she always cleaned them up after and took some painkillers but it still scared her every time he did it.

Her friend saw the cuts once during a sleep over and she tried to explain that, they weren't her doing but she didn't belive her because no one ever suspects its the boy who's dying inside and screaming for help under water.

Everyone thought they were hers because she was a teenage girl so her therapist decied that Caitlin hated her body, her parents decided that it was because she only had a small amount of friends and was probably getting bullied for being smart and the girls at school that had seen them in the changing rooms had decided it was because she had never had a boyfriend and would be alone forever.

No one belived her so, here she was sitting in the waiting room out side Dr.Coopers office waiting to be told that she didn't need to hurt her self and could always talk about her problems. BLAH BLAH BLAH...

She was currently strolling threw her phone and waiting to be told it was her turn to see the therapist.

"Hey can I sit here?" A Voice asked from infornt of her.

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