(4) love coma

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Caitlin hated her soulmate.

Why just why did he have to put them both in a soulmate coma at for 2 weeks.

She knew it wasn't his fault but she needed someone to blame for all the missed school days for all the time she'd missed with her friends.

Normal soulmate couples only went into soulmate comas every few years and for a few days.

But her soulmate just ergh.

They went into a soulmate coma at least 10 times a year and at most they lasted so far upto 22 days.

Luckily while in a soulmate coma your body completely shut down so you didn't really need to eat while in one of the comas but sometimes the body ran out of the stored nutrients and in cases like this people were taken into special wards at hospitals and put on a drip.

But Caitlin mother didn't want the world knowing about her daughters problem so she built her daughter a room with medical equipment to keep her healthy while she was in one of the soulmate comas.

So no one ever compared her coma times and lengths to anyone else do so she had an even lower chance of meeting her soulmate.

She'd just woken up from one of the soulmate comas and she checked the date on the calender that was always kept with the correct date showing on her bedside table.

She'd been out for 6 days.

6 days was okay because it wasn't 22 days she could deal with 6 days.

She checked the time it was 2:30 so there was no point in her going to school.

She sighed and stretched out her stiff mucles like her phiseo therapist had taught her.

She padded into the bathroom and ran a bath.

Caitlin snow was only 13 years old and she already hated her soulmate.

4 years later
Barry Allen loved his soulmate how could he not they spent a lot of time together in their soulmate comas.

Soulmate comas sent two concenessies to a different place a place made out of their memories and their place was amazing.

The house they stayed in was cottage on the outside but on the in side it was massive because new rooms were always being added and whatever they wanted or sometimes a random door would just appeare but most of the time they just had to think things into existence as long as they've seen it before they could have it while they were in a soulmate coma.

Barry hated waking up and discovering he'd missed special occasions like his father's birthday and easter.

Soulmate comas were a funny thing because you could remember what it was like there and what you did but you could never remember what was talked about and you could never remember your soulmate some people could remember details about there soulmates like if they had freckles or what colour there eyes were.

Barry was one of these lucky few he remembered his soulmate's cheeks well more importantly the colour they were when she blushed wich wasn't much to go by when you were looking for your soulmate.

But the moment you see your soulmate in the waking world you remember everything from the coma world.

Henry Allen was a doctor specifically one who specialised in soulmate comas so he and his wife had turned the spare room into a hospital room for Barry to monitor him because they knew their son was special beaches his soulmate comas happened too often and that wasn't normal.

They'd registered the exact time Barry went into every coma and how long for and the exact time he woke up and sent them of to a company that sound people's soulmate's based on the time and length of the comas but they'd never found a match there only hope for Barry to meet his soulmate and go stop the comas was for it to happen naturally.
Csitlin blinked her eyes open and looked around the room.

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