(126) red and blue

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This is short. I realised I haven't published in months but I have been writing every day.

My first GCSE is on monday and my last is on the 14th of june so don't exspect any updates until then.

"Mum tell me about red again" Barry yawned as he rested his head against his pillow.

"Well" Nora began with a smile "its a very bold colour, ita the colour of our car and your favirote monster truck, red could mean or hate but I don't like to think of any colour as negative"

"I think, I'll like red" Barry tells his mother thinking alound "tell me about blue"

"Why are they the only colours your ever intrested in Barry?" Nora asked curiously remembering all the times he'd asked her to tell him about those specific colours

"I think there imporatnt" he yawned hugging his pillow.

"And whys that?"

He shrugged "I don't know, just tell me please, about blue"

Living in a world of black and white ment that Barry had a soulmate out there waiting to give his life colour and he was waiting to give her colour to.

Over the years Barry becomes well awear that seeing in black and white wasn't normal, all of his friends saw in colour, it sucked.

As a teenage it had really pissed him off because there were music festivals and colour runs that he wanted to go to and thoroughly enjoy like everyone else but on top of it all.

He just really wanted to know the colours blue and red.

Hie wish was anwsered when he was 19, he'd gone on a trip with his College class and there amongst a crowd of hundreds maybe thousands must've been his soulmate becuase suddenly there were so many colours.

Too many colours.

He'd only exspected red and blue but there are so many shades of colours he had to close his eyes against all the colours and days later he would blame himself for missing his soulmate, because he closed his eyes.

6 years later found him back at STAR labs, one of the doctors there needed a consult from CSI and he was the only guy avilable so he went.

He wasn't exspecting the beautiful young woman to be the doctor he needed to help.

"Doctor Snow" she introduced alittle roboticaly

He blinked alittle taken aback "uh- Bartholomew Allen" he wasn't sure why he used his full name no one called him Bartholomew, only his mother when she was mad at him, something about her just intimidated him "But everyone calls me Barry, or Mr. Allen... but call me Barry"

She didn't reply instead she gestured to her computer "what does this look like to you?"

Stright to work then.

They worked on her problem for a couple of hours and Barry understood why she was so frustrated, it seemed immpossible.

"Do you have the results for this?" Barry asked

She nodded "there in the file over there, Its colour coded" she paused "Can you see in colour?"

He nodded "yes, I haven't always been able to though"

"The ones your looking for are in red and blue"

He paused, those colours were important.

"...have you always been able to see in colour?" He asked hesitatly

"No" she replied shortly

Something pulled inside of him and he contemplated weather or not he should ask his next question, something about her just tugged at something inside of him.

"...I met my soulmate here" he said slowly.

"Me to" she whispered

"6 years ago" he began and watched her carefully for her reaction she looked up at him and he could tell he had her complete attention "there was an open day, I remeber looking over a crowd and then seeing all of theses bright colours, I closed my eyes becauase it was to much and I missed her, I never actually met her"

She stared at him and he noticed that her hands were shaking, she swolled "...I wait at the end, I wanted to look for you but I couldn't I was on a trip with my College and we had to get on the bus"

He smiled sadly "I know you would've stayed if you could"

She swolled and he took a step closer to her "I'm sorry"

He reached out to touch her and all the colours seemed a little brighter "it's not your fault"

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