(46) what destiny wants- part 1

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So this seems weird and badly written to me so if your sat there thinking this is crap trust me I'm thinking that two it hadn't come out like I wanted.

This is only part 1 part 2 will be out in a while

At 6:45am on a random Thursday Caitlin Snow woke up and started getting ready for work she was out of the house by 8:03am.

She unlocked her car and when she was just about to get in it a cat came sprinting across the road and her neighbour Alicia swerved her car to avoid running over the tabby cat Caitlin held her breath as she almost hit the lamp post but luckily she avoided it.

Caitlin let out a breath and waved at Alicia as she drove past and into her drive way Alicia always worked the night shifts and came back home early in the morning.

She drove to work and met her friend felicity in the lobby and they walked to their lab together.

"Hey, just 2 more days until the weekend" felicity said trying not to sound exhausted.

Caitlin nodded "you have no idea how much sleep I need to catch up on, this morning a cat ran in front of my neighbours car and I realised that's the most intersting thing I've seen all week, I'm so bored and tiered felicity but I don't have the guts to quit my job"

"Hey guys" cisco said at 8:35am like clock work.

"Hey cisco" they replied in unison, again just like clock work.

They made there way to there lab and put there lab coats and Goggles on like they did every morning and started working at 8:40 am just like always.

"Do you have to take another trip to CCPD today?" Caitlin asked after a while

Felicity nodded "I'll only be gone for about an hour though"

12:30pm Caitlin ate her usually lunch at her desk- a ham salad sandwich.

At 1pm she finished her lunch and went back to work.

At 3pm felicity came back from CCPD and talked about how there was only was only one smart guy there and he was very clumsy and slightly giddier then usual today.

At 4:30pm Caitlin and felicity began to tidy up the lab.

At 5pm she left her lab got in her car and went home.

at 5:35pm she parked her car in the drive way took out her keys unlocked her door took one step inside of her house and-

The house and what they're wearing

The house and what they're wearing

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