chapter 29

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Chapter 29

(Tori’s P.O.V)

            I woke up not being able to breath. I started gasping for air and feeling light headed and pains everywhere. I couldn’t keep me eyes open and I couldn’t hear anything. I was trying so hard not to let go and fall asleep afraid of not waking up but I couldn’t take the pain anymore and I slipped into the darkness.

(Madison’s P.O.V)

            I started screaming for help not knowing what was going on with Tori. Soon everyone came running into the room and JJ ran to the blonde and started calling her name and telling her to stay awake but you could see her slipping away. Taylor was calling the police and Mahogany was literally bawling. But I think everyone was. Soon the ambulance came and Taylor, JJ, and I hopped in with her. Soon we were at the hospital but no one was allowed to see Tori.

            I kept counting the time in the waiting room. It had been 5 hours since she had been taken to the hospital. Everyone was catching their flights right now except Taylor, JJ, and I. JJ was literally going mad I could only comfort him. 7 hours passed, 8 hours passed, 12 hours, 16 hours. No one slept. Then we heard something that we were hoping didn’t concern Tori.

            *patient in room 109 to cardiac arrest*

            My heart stopped as a doctor came running toward us “. I’m so sorry but Tori Caniff is in cardiac arrest.”

            I fell crying. JJ and Taylor tried comforting me but it didn’t help. Just the night before I couldn’t bear losing her and now I could lose her this very second.  Soon a group of doctors came out with grim looks of their faces “. We are so sorry Tori didn’t make it through and her body failed because of her cancer. She has passed on.”

            I died right then and there. JJ and Taylor joined me on the floor. Soon what felt like hours later we all got up and walked to tori’s room.  We saw her lifeless body lying in the hospital bed. Her pale skin not having a tint of color. She didn’t have a smile and she looked nothing like herself.  I cried for hours straight wishing this was a bad dream. I felt arms around me and the three of us stayed on the floor crying. We were broken and we knew we wouldn’t feel anything like this ever again we were broken.


Hey readers I cried writing this chapter. It was the hardest to write. yes this book is coming to an end. I loved writing this book for you guys. But this isnt the only book im reading so follow me to be updated when my new book is out. I love you guys. Ok, Bye <3

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