chapter 28

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Chapter 28

(Madison’s P.O.V)                                                                    

            We were all super hyper except Tori who was super tired. She slept most of the ride home. I was concerned but to hyper to really think about her health. That sounds terrible but I’m pretty much high on sugar so I’m not really focused. We pulled up to the hotel and all stumbled out of the limo. Tori zombie walked out of the limo more than stumbled. Taylor came out and took our bags and JJ came to take Tori’s but he ended up caring Tori to their hotel room where they said good night and went to bed. They were such I cute couple I adored them. Thinking of couples I thought of Cam and how I just wanted to be in his arms so I ran to hour room.

            I put the card into the slot and then opened the door. Cam wasn’t in the room and neither was Nash. I looked around the room and didn’t find a thing of the boys but on Nash’s bed was a note.

            Dear Madison,

            Hey it’s Cam and Nash. We have left and took an earlier flight home. You see I did something terrible to you and now everyone hates me and Nash doesn’t want to sit there and pretend to hate me when he wants to help me. I even hate myself for what I did. Read this part sitting down. Madison I cheated on you. I went to a fan’s hotel and we kissed I wish I could say I didn’t feel anything but I did and when we kissed I forgot about you and everything else and I’m so sorry for that. But when the kiss ended and I finally realized what I did I didn’t feel as bad as I should have. I thought you should have known what exactly happened and I’m so sorry. I know I broke your heart and I still care about you so I can’t see your heart broken. I will always have something for you in my heart but I think the feelings are gone. I’m so sorry I did this to you. You never deserved it and so I’m taking myself out of your life for a while so you can heal. I will see you at not next magcon but the magcon after that so you can heal. I love you as a friend and understand if you hate me but I wish for forgiveness even if it takes a while to get that. I wish you well and again I can’t tell you how sorry I am for this.


Camron and Nash

P.s: Hey this is Nash I will miss you and I will see you at the next magcon. I love you and see you soon also, green beans.

            I didn’t know how to feel. I felt so sad it was bone crushing but I wasn’t really to mad at Cam because he was so honest about it and gave me space and time. So I cried into a pillow but the Tori came in to ask me something but she stopped talking when she saw me. Tori saw the note and I look of pure fury and anger washed over her face she still had a look of tiredness and also concern on her face.

            “It’s ok,” I say “, yes I’m crying now but he said he’ll give me space and time which I’m happy for. I am sad that he did this but at the same time not to sad. It’s just a silly break up and I know that soon I will forgive him and we’ll be best friends. I just need some time but this isn’t going to consume my life. I will live on. But all break ups need some type of I’ll call him tell him I’m ok and I forgive him and I want to stay friends.”

            She looks at my surprised “, You are the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

            She then cuddles me and we fall asleep like that. This is what best friends are for to cuddle when you truly need it. They are there for you even when you say you are ok. Tori is a wonderful friend and I think I would die without her.

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