chapter 9

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chapter 9 (Tori’s P.O.V)

“This game looks so good,” Nash gushed. Boy that kid was obsessed with video games.

“Ya, let’s go stick it in and start playing it,” Cam replied.

Oh were they in for a surprise. They were going to hate us. I started laughing at just the moment we heard them enter Taylor’s room.

“TORI, MADISON,” Taylor yelled.

We popped up in the room looking innocent. “Yes Taytay,” I called saying taylor’s nickname I gave him when we were kids.

“Where the fuck did you put my stuff?” Taylor questioned.

“We don’t have it,” Maddie concluded.

“Then where is it because you two are the only ones who would take my stuff,” he ranted.

Oh if he only looked up he would see everything he wanted to know “. Well look around for it,” I told him.

He shut the door and we just broke out laughing. Then we heard a person yell out “Taylor it’s on the ceiling,” and the door opened.

“Why,” Taylor said as Nash and Cam got everything down.

“Paybacks a bitch,” whispered in his ear and then ran off.

That was priceless and seeing them struggle to get it off the ceiling was so funny. We ran to me old treehouse and climbed in knowing that it would take Taylor few minutes to calm down. But we were soon found and carried out of the treehouse by to pissed off boys. Taylor took us to his room.

“Ok boys I think these two need to be punished,” Taylor evilly grinned at us.

With that all three of them started tickling us. Maddie was laughing telling Cam to stop but he wouldn’t as for me I had Nash and Taylor tickling so it was worse. I wasn’t laughing though. I was crying tears of pain and begging then to stop but they wouldn’t. They thought they were tears of laughter till I yelled out in pain and started clenching my stomach. Maddie soon got out of cam’s grasp on her and started pulling Taylor and Nash off of me. She was pretty strong when she saw someone she loved in trouble or hurt.

She took me in her lap and started rubbing my stomach and rocking me back and forth. Cooing soothing to me. I started dazing and soon felt my eyes close and I was out.

(Madison’s P.O.V)

As soon as they started tickling us I knew it was a bad idea and I tried to tell them not to tickle Tori but they wouldn’t listen. I soon heard sobs and I started getting out of Cams grasp and I ended up hurting him in the process he looked confused as to why I did that because normally I would let them tickle me till they stopped cause it didn’t bother me much but this was different Tori was in danger.

I heard a yell in pain and jumped on Taylor and Nash and pulled them off of her. I grabbed Tori and started rocking her back and forth soothing her as the boys watched with worried and guilty looks. They knew they needed to be more careful with her now that she had cancer but they forgot.

She fell asleep on me which is exactly what I wanted to happen. I told Cam to take her to her room and lay her down. I scolded the two idiots in front of me. They just looked ashamed and I went up and hug them knowing the fright they had when that happened.

“It’s ok, yes I’m mad but it’s something we got to get use to just be careful next time,” I told the two boys in front of me. With that I left the room to be with my boo even if she was sleeping.


No words needed

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