chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(Madison’s P.O.V)

I walked down the hall way to Tori’s room. I haven’t been getting much sleep and I really haven’t been eating. I don’t know if this is depression or just an awful stage I’m going through. Either way I wasn’t happy or healthy I knew that Cam was noticing. He was with me all the time making sure I was ok and that I had a person to cuddle with when I needed one. He was being so supported and I loved him for that.

I reached Tori’s room and walked inside but the feeling in the air was more painful than it was yesterday. Taylor wasn’t by her bedside and that got me worried but when I turned around for a slight second I saw him huddle in the corner hugging himself.

“Taylor,” I said worried, “What’s wrong is everything ok.”

“It’s awful,” he concluded not looking up, “She is sick and there’s nothing the doctors can do about it.”

Confused I asked, “Why can’t they do anything.”

“Because of the sickness she has, it’s…  It’s cancer,” he stuttered.

It felt like my heart was caving in, the pain I was feeling must have multiplied. My best friend was sick with cancer. How could it have happened? She was so healthy running all the time and reading and just being a teenager. That was all going to be taken away from her. As her best friend I knew she was going to be devastated. I did the first thing that came to mind I climbed in beside her moving the cords and soon fell asleep with Taylor back in his normal spot by her bed.

(Taylor’s P.O.V)

            When I looked up to see Maddie’s expression all I saw was pain and it broke my heart. The next thing I saw was her climbing into Tori’s hospital bed to be by my sister. I loved that Maddie was so loyal to my sister it was so cute. I got up and went to my seat beside Tori’s bed.  And fell into a dreamless sleep.

About an hour later I was woken up by a mixture of laughter and crying but the feeling in the room was a feeling of happiness. I turned to see four figures in the room two in chairs and two in a bed. My mind was still in a daze so I didn’t know what was going on but as soon as I could see clearly I couldn’t have been happier. Tori was awake and laughing I jumped out of my chair and hugged my sister. I caught her up and just talked to her until a nurse came in and told us some information my sister did not yet know.


Hey readers. Ok my tears shead this book tho. I hope you guys are Injoying ans its not to boring. And i'm intrested about what will happen when she finds out the news. I love u guys. Ok bye :) 

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