chapter 25

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Chapter 25

(2 months later) [Tori's P.O.V]

We were all rushing around making last minute preparation. The guards would be letting the fans in the venue at exactly 2:00 it was 1:43 right now. I made sure everyone was paired up with their booth buddies and that they knew what was ok to say no to if a fan asked them to do it. We ran through a couple more things and then all of Magcon was set to meet fans. When it was about 1:55 I ran out of the room and to the equipment area I checked all the mics, lighting, Mahogany's DJ area, and the gates that would separate the Magcon from the fans. Then I went back up to Cam, Maddie, JJ, and my room to change because I was going on stage for a few minutes to be introduced to the crowd and then I would go back stage again to plan what we would be doing the rest of the afternoon because we were in Vegas.

(Carter's P.O.V)

Soon as Tori left to check on other things they let the fans in. I felt grateful to Tori because she was up at 6 came down here and got the meet and greet area ready then went and woke us up and got us ready and she still is running around. I'm not sure about her cancer but I'm kind of worried that it's not a good idea for her to be running around for 8 hours straight.

But back to the meet and greet. I was paired up with Aaron and we got about 50 girls in our line. We signed a lot of stuff and to lots of picture. We did vines for our channels and met a lot of people my guess was around 5,000-10,000 people. That was a lot. Soon people were asking where Tori was and we had to tell them she wasn't really part of Magcon. Soon the meet and greet ended and the guards lead all the girls to the room where the event was being held. Right after that Tori came and got us dressed nicely and then put us in the order we were going on stage. She then had us practice what we were going to do and then Tori and bart disappeared on to the stage.

(Tori's P.O.V)

Bart and I walked on to the stage and said hi to the crowd. Everyone said hi back and then we explained what magcon was. A lot of girls asked me if I was a part of magcon so I told them what I did. They all cheered and then I told them we were going to introduce the boys and girls.

"Ok Vegas give it up for Matthew Espinosa and Nash Grier, Sofia Church and Taylor Caniff, Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky, Cameron Dallas and Madison Colt, Aaron Carpenter and Shawn Mendes, Mahogany Locks and Carter Reynolds, and our special guest Hayes Grier." The crowd went wild as the crew all said hello.

The crew then asked some question from twitter and most of them were for the couples. Then the crew had a dance battle and played with silly string and squirt guns. They made a couple vines and then Shawn sang a cover. Soon it was 6 and I had been up for 12 hours and got a wave of exhaustion. The event was almost over so I waited till then. The crew said goodbye to the crowd and the fans exited then venue. I wanted to go and snuggle I pillow but I had cleaning up to do. The others went up to the rooms and got ready for dinner.

About a half an hour later Taylor and JJ came and told me they were going out to eat to celebrate their first Magcon gig. I nicely rejected going because I had to much work. By the time I was done with everything even cleaning the mess fans left behind because the cleaning crew canceled it was 11 and I walked to my room like a zombie I crawled into bed and snuggled into JJ and fell into a dreamless slumber.


Hey readers. I hope that chapter wasn't to crappy and if it was i'm sorry and i'll try harded tomorrow but right now im gonna head to bed. I love you guys. Ok, Bye :)

Tears of InfectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora