chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(Tori's P.O.V)

I woke up in a place I don't remember falling asleep in. This isn't my bed I thought. I start looking around and notice we were in the hospital and I was the victim. There wasn't a lot of room on this bed and it so uncomfortable but I soon found out that Maddie was hogging it.

"Maddie why are we in the hospital I asked.

She started waking up but soon fell back asleep.

"Maddie you piece of crap wake up," I screamed.

"What is it Taylor, god," she said.

So she thought I was Taylor that felt nice. "Hey sweetie, open your eyes my name isn't Taylor it's Tori and I want to know why we are in this place."

At the sound of my name Maddie shot up hugging me and crying and kissing me all over the face except the lips. She started saying jibber jabber and then told me I had been in a coma for 3-4 days. I could tell that those days hit her hard she had bags, and she was a bit skinnier. Her smile didn't reach as far and she was paler. She looked horrible. As though she wanted to avoid questions she said that she was fine and then started talking to me. Although I wanted to Know Maddie kept avoiding the subject of why I was in here.

Maddie and I talked for what seemed like hours but it was less than that. Cam and Nash joined us and both gave me bone crushing hugs that left my stomach in pains but not like pains that usually were left after hugs like that this hurt worst. I flinched and they both immediately said sorry and all three of them got looks of worry on their faces. That's weird I thought. After that we talked and there were a lot of tears and laughter. I forgot about Taylor and that he was sleeping right beside me. I'm such a bad sister.

Taylor woke up with a snort that scared me so all the others laughed and I started laughing too. Taylor woke up in a daze so he didn't know I had awoken from me slumber. But a few minutes later a felt a heavy body was on me and felt my inside broke one by one. He soon let go and that same pain came back but it hurt ten times worse. I let it slide not wanting to break this moment. Taylor and I caught up and I saw the same thing I saw in Maddie tiredness, skinnier, and the look of unhappiness. Did I cause this I thought? Soon a nurse came in.

"Ah, Miss Tori it's nice to see you up," the nurse said.

"It's nice to be up," I told her.

"Do you remember why you came here," the nurse asked with a smile. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the others faces fall.

"No," I said ever so softly.

"Well sweetie you had a horrible stomach pain and then passed out. We took you to get a pet scan and it lit up in your nerves and stomach," she explained.

"And all that means?" I asked

"Honey you have a minor nerve cancer but a major stomach cancer," her face and smile fell.

Time itself stopped. Is that why I was feeling those pains? I couldn't feel anything anymore I was numb. I whimpered wanting to cry but I couldn't. I soon felt a grasp around me and knew the feeling anywhere it was Maddie. What was going to happen now? I wasn't the same anymore this news changed my life in a matter of seconds.

"Now I'm going to tell you about what this means from now on and the abilities and disabilities you will have," the nurse said ever so kindly.

"Ok," was all I managed to get out. I was still in Maddie's arms but I felt so distanced.

" Well you will need a pet scan every 2 weeks, I'm sorry for this but you will lose your hair, you will be on different medicines, you can't play sports, go to regular schools, you can't do anything to risky that could hurt your nerves, but the good thing is you'll be seeing a lot of me," she concluded.

That hurt a lot. I couldn't do the things I loved I won't be a teenager anymore. In fact it's like I'm already dead. The feeling inside I had were worse than any feeling before. I was going to become depressed I knew it. At that thought I broke out crying and the nurse left the room. I felt 4 sets of arms come around me but it didn't help. The pain and damage was too deep. I just wanted to die right then and there. I hated what this has done to me.


Hey readers. The water works a flowing. I hoped you likedthis update and I know it's sad now but the happiness in the next chapter will be over powering. I hope this was a good chapter. I love you Guys. Ok, Bye :)

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