chapter 17

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Chapter 17 (Madison’s P.O.V)

            I was sitting outside Tori’s door thinking of what to say but I was so nervous my brain wasn’t processing things right. About 5 minutes later I finally decided to wing it. I knocked on the door and Sofia answered the door and gestured me to come in but to keep my voice low. Taylor saw me and whispered something to Sofia and they both went out of the room leaving me with my thoughts.

            I looked at the bed and saw a person hugging a pillow with tissues all around her. She looked up with pain in her eyes. I lost all my words and ran to the bed and hugged the life out of tori. Shedding tears and saying sorry over and over again because those were the only words I could get out. Her arms snaked around me and we held each other for a long time.

            What felt like hours later I heard a faint voice say “, Do you think we should wake them up.”

            Then “, if you wake them up and I can’t get a vine of this Cameron you will die.” Ok that had to be Sofia.

            “Ok, just please don’t hurt me,” Cameron pleaded.

            Then who I think was Nash said “, if you hurt my boo I’ll suffocate you with a condom.”

            No one else talked after that but people were laughing I heard a phone video recorder go off and then 5 minutes later my phone dinged. I then heard footsteps walk out away and the door lightly close.

            I opened my eyes checked the vine, the caption said ‘what real friendship looks like’ with me and tori holding each other sleeping. It made me smile so I revined it and liked it then made my way to the living room where everyone was watching Shrek. It was about 6:30 and I went to talk to Tori at 3:00 so I had a good nap. I walked up to Cameron and sat on his lap watching the movie with them.

            “I’m guessing it went well,” Cam asked.

            “yup,” I stated.

            We talked a little more and Tori joined us sitting on Johnson’s lap because I didn’t think she was fully up and just decided to sit on anyone’s lap but Johnson looked a little too happy about her picking his lap. We watched movies the rest of the day. It was a pretty good day I think.


Hey readers. Ok who else thinks that johnson has a crush. What do you guys like of 'Jori' becoming a thing I think that would be so cute. Anyways I need some help to put a little more drama into the story should Cam cheat on Maddie. It's up to u guys to decide bacause I honsty don't know if that would be something good to put into the story or not. I love u guys. Ok, Bye :)

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