Chapter 22

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Sarah Jane's Point of View

"Sarah Jane." I heard someone say. I turned over and went back to sleep. "Sarah Jane."

"Go away." I mumbled.

"Sarah Jane." I groaned and opened my eyes. It is way too bright in here now. I thought we were in space?

"What is it?"

"We have arrived. Destination: Messaline." The Mainframe said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I had sort of forgotten how long it had been since I last slept. You tend to lose track of night and day when your in space. I got up throwing the blanket aside and looked out of the window.

Well, outside wasn't as bad as the images I had sent Amelie and everyone when I was a baby. Very green grass, purple flowers and very tall trees.

"So... Where's the conflict?" I asked, looking around.

"The conflict is 4 miles from current position." Mainframe said.

"How much is your range of the offensive weapon?" I asked.

"3 miles."

"Right... Why did you park all the way out here? Your about a mile out of the range." I said. Mainframe didn't say anything. I sighed. "Mainframe, answer the question."

"Any closer, the offensive weapons would be primed."

"Just get closer, so we can get this over with and I can go back home." I said.

"Request denied."

"Why?" I asked.

"Sarah Jane must lead the war here. I cannot get any closer." The Mainframe said. I sighed.

"Yeah that's computer logic, isn't it." I said to myself.

"I'm sorry, I do not understand your request."

"It wasn't a request, that's why." I said, going over to the image pool. "Show me Amelie." The pool rippled and it showed Amelie, again doing her work but looking restless. "I need a mirror." I heard a sliding sound and turned around.


I had grown at least a foot since I had left Earth. My hair is longer, going down my back and over my shoulders and had more waves in it. My height difference was also noted, as my clothes which had fit perfectly, now were feeling kinda tight and looked more like short trousers than actual trousers.

"I need more clothes." Another sliding sound and I turned around. A whole wardrobe full of clothes had come out of the wall, it seemed. I changed out of my short clothes, telling the Mainframe to make the windows dark before I did. I picked out a pretty purple top and dark trousers. I chose nice black trainers for shoes. I brushed my hair with the brush that had appeared and looked at myself in the mirror. "I look good." I said to myself. Then I turned to the Mainframe. "How old am I?" A blinding flash came from the controls and scanned me.

"Sarah Jane is 12 going on 13 Earth years." The computer said.

"Wow, big jump from 8...Or 9." I shrugged and addressed the computer again. "How do I lure them here?"

"I'm sorry I do not understand your request." I huffed.

"Some things you have to figure out for yourself." I said. "Fine, can you open the door, please?"

"Request accepted." And the door slid open for the first time in how many weeks I have been in space for. Even though the air inside the ship had been regulated and been cool the air outside seemed hot-ish but with a cool breeze. I stepped out, looking around then placed a foot on the grass. Nothing went off or anything strange so I put my other foot on the grass. Then I jumped. Still nothing.

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