Chapter 8

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Amelie's POV

The meeting had thankfully ended early, so I went to the Glass House to pick up Sarah Jane. Oliver was being completely pig-headed and Myrnin was just being annoying as usual.

As my limo driver pulled up and he helped me out - I didn't need it but it was nice - I heard crying. Hopefully it was just because the children hadn't given her, her food or bottle but I shook it off and went to the door and knocked it. Little Claire came to the door.

"Why is Sarah-Jane crying?" I asked.

"She must have got a shock from the TV." Claire said. She is terrible at lying. Before she could stop me from entering and I pushed past her when she tried to stop me and went in. I instantly went to Sarah-Jane and picked her up.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Eve kicked me!" Sarah Jane cried. I feel my anger flare as I look at Eve. My fangs come down and I feel my eyes turn red.

"You what?" I demanded of her.

"It was an accident! Well she was going to crawl across the room to the sofa and I must have not seen her or anything and must have kicked her when I started walking." Eve said. I could easily tell she was lying.

"No, that's not what happened! I was playing with the remote and you was arguing with Claire and Shane and they went then you kicked me!" She cried. I glared fiercely at Eve.

"Well? Is that true?" I demanded of her.

"Well kind of, but you have got to see what she was doing! She was facing the TV and I think she was trying to electrify it or something cos there was this crackling and-" I cut her off.

"Enough! I have heard enough about you accusing her of witchcraft or from being from a different planet. Yes, the mind thing is strange but I want to hear no more of your talk of her supposed powers. Eve you will be punished." I said.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"You do not hit or kick a child." I said.

"But she stopped when Shane and Claire came and Shane said I needed therapy because apparently I was hallucinating. But I wasn't! She started again when they left."

"So you hit her?" I ask, venom dripping from my words.

"Well, yeah, but I didn't mean to! I said sorry." Eve said. I hugged Sarah-Jane and shushed her to quieten her cries.

"Who else can look after her if I cannot trust her with you lot?" I asked. "First you let her almost get run over and now you assault her." I said, remembering the event 3 years ago.

"That wasn't our fault by the way. And she didn't die, so yeah." Shane said.

"And what if she hadn't threw that truck away? What if she was just a normal little girl with no powers?" I asked him.

"Yeah well that would be different..." She started.

"She would be dead!" I said.

"She could have been small enough to fit under the truck so it wouldn't run over her." Claire said.

"Hush Claire." I said. She crossed her arms.

"Well yeah she would be dead but she's not and she's alive so it's fine." Shane said. I glared at him. I heard Eve make a move and my gaze snapped back to her.

"I haven't forgotten about you. Your coming with me and I am not leaving Sarah Jane here again. You might accidently stab her or get her run over again." I said and walked past them and looked back at Eve to make sure she was following then left the house.

Claire's POV

I watched as Eve left and sent her a nervous look, worried for what punishment Amelie would give her. It would probably be severe because Amelie really cares for Sarah-Jane. I looked at Shane. He went to go to the kitchen.

"You know this is mostly your fault. If you hadn't said she was seeing things then she wouldn't have kicked the kid." I said.

"You said she was seeing things as well. So don't blame this on me." Shane said.

"You said she needed therapy." I said.

"It was you who didn't believe her in the first place." Shane said.

"What are you talking about?" A voice said behind me. I turned and saw Michael with a sports bottle.

"Umm... Nothing much." I said. Michael looked around.

"Where's Eve?" Michael asked.

"Um... Work?" I suggested.

"It's Friday. She doesn't work today." Michael said. I looked at Shane but he shrugged and swigged at the can of pop. "Where is she?"

"Well... You know Sarah Jane? Well she... Um... Well she apparently did something and now she has gone with Amelie because she kicked Sarah Jane." I said, awkwardly.

"She what? How can you say that?" Michael asked.

"Would Amelie have come round and been pissed off otherwise? You should have heard the kid man, she was screaming." Shane said.

"Maybe that was because Claire was near her." Michael said.

"Hey!" I objected.

"Claire wasn't in the room." Shane said. "She must have got pissed off after Claire said Eve needed therapy." I punched him. "Ow!"

"You said that. Don't blame this on me." I said, crossing my arms.

"Whatever, where is she now?"Michael asked.

"I guess Founder's Square." I said. Michael disappeared out the door before either me or Shane could say anything else. Shane sighed.

"I guess we are going as well. Don't want anything happening to him." Shane said and his keys and went out of the door.

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